CD ROM Paradise Collection 4
CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso
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Text File
10,280 lines
Procedure Commands Page
Clear Records From 14
Copy All From 21
Create Temp As 23
Declare 37
Delay 40
Delete Record 42
Derive Off 43
Display Status 44
Do..Loop 45
Escape On/Off 48
Exit Batch Menu 49
Exit Procedure 50
For..Next 57
If Then Else 71
Index Off 73
List Variables 85
Manual Feed 90
Multiple Lines 100
Next Batch 101
Odd/Even Page Print 102
Pause On/Off 113
Preselect 115
Print 116
Printer Control 117
Remark 125
Skip Group 141
Skip Record 142
Subindex 148
Update Record 160
Utilities Page
Alter Vat Rates 4
Backup Application 6
Change Password 11
Data Import 29
Delete Choice Lists 41
Install Form 75
Install Printer 76
Install Procedure 77
List File Names 84
Options 109
Pack Data Forms 111
Rebuild Directories 123
Restore 126
Screen Colours 134
Set Paper Length 138
Functions Page
Abs 1
Chr$ 13
Datetext 33
Dayofmonth 34
Dayofweek 35
Dayofyear 36
Default 38
Hours 69
If 70
Intext 79
Jointext 80
Lefttext 81
Lengthtext 82
Lookup 86
Lower 87
Makedate 88
Maketime 89
Maths 91
Midtext 95
Minutes 96
Mod 97
Month 98
Proper 119
Random 121
Retail 127
Reverse 129
Righttext 130
Round 131
Seconds 135
Spacepad 143
Spellday 144
Spellmonth 145
Stringof 147
Timeampm 156
Upper 161
V.A.T. Functions 162
Year 164
Zeropad 165
Field Controls Page
Beep 7
Clearfields 15
Delay 39
Run 132
Field Types Page
Choice 12
Date 32
Fixed Point 55
Floating Point 56
Formatted Text 65
Integer 78
Text 153
Text Block 154
Time 155
Field Derivation Prefixes Page
Autodial 5
Current 25
Goto (Field) Next 68
Retest 128
Start Here 146
System Values Page
Blank. 8
Bottom Margin 9
Current Record 26
File_date File_time 51
File_len 52
File_pos 53
Global Number 67
Output 110
Page Number 112
Pi 114
Prog_dir 118
Record Number 124
Sequence 137
System Date 150
System Time 151
Total Copies 157
Total Records 158
File Commands
Close 16
Erase 47
Find 54
Open 105
Read 122
Seek 136
Shell 140
Write 163
User Menu Functions Page
Menu Calls 94
Operators Page
Arithmetic 106
Logical 108
Relational 107
Methods Page
Address Labels 2
Bypass Sign-on Sreen 10
Compound Index 17
Compound Lookups 20
Correcting Stats. 22
Creating Runtime 24
Customize Help Line 27
Cyclic Procedures 28
Data Type Conversion 31
Duplicate Prevention 46
Form Letters 63
Global Defaults 66
Input Screen Format 74
Linking Applications 83
Maximizing Speed 92
Multiple Columns 99
Q And A Input Screen 120
Runtime Auto Start 133
Set System Values 139
Tabulation 152
Totals & Sub Totals 159
This function returns the absolute (positive) value of a
Ex. abs(length - breadth)
This returns 6 if length = 12 and breadth = 6
or if length = 6 and breadth = 12
Acceptable parameters
Numeric value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any function which returns a numeric value
- 1 -
The following procedure prints two columns of address labels
from a "Addr" form.
.......................Procedure code................
Declare output fields
Addr.name : Addr.street : Addr.town : Addr.pcode
Lname : Lstreet : Ltown : Lpcode
for Addr
if Lname = blank then
Lname = Addr.name : Lstreet = Addrstreet
Ltown = Addr.town : Lpcode = Addrpcode
print list items
Lname = blank : Lstreet = blank
Ltown = Blank : Lpcode = blank
end if
if Lname <> blank then print list items
....................Output Format........................
.List Items
{Lname field } {Addr.name field }
{Lstreet field } {Addr.street field }
{Ltown field } {Addr.town field }
{Lpcode field } {Addr.pcode field }
The field positioning and the distance between the .List Items
and .end can be adjusted to fit the label paper.
If your label paper has three columns then you could use the
following procedure.
declare output fields
Addr.name : Addr.street : Addr.town : Addr.pcode
Mname : Mstreet : Mtown : Mpcode
Lname : Lstreet : Ltown : Lpcode
declare variables
x as number
- 2 -
for addr
x = x + 1
if Mod(x,3) = 1 then
Lname = Addr.name : Lstreet = Addr.street
Ltown = Addr.town : Lpcode = Addr.pcode
end if
if Mod(x,3) = 2 then
Mname = Addr.name : Mstreet = Addr.street
Mtown = Addr.town : Mpcode = Addr.pcode
end if
if Mod(x,3) = 0 then
Print list items
Lname = Blank : Lstreet = blank
Ltown = blank : Lpcode = Blank
Mname = Blank : Mstreet = blank
Mtown = blank : Mpcode = Blank
end if
If Lname <> blank then print list items
.........................output format...................
.list items
{ Lname } { Mname } { Addr.name }
{ Lstreet } { Mstreet } { Addr.street }
{ Ltown } { Mtown } { Addr.town }
{ Lpcode } { Mpcode } { Addr.pcode }
See Also:- Form Letters
- 3 -
The five VAT rates used by the VAT functions can be altered
either from the utilities menu or from a user menu function.
Just select "Alter VAT rates" - edit the percentages and press
F2 to save the new values.
- 4 -
Easy Base will dial (via a Hayes compatible modem) direct from
any form or procedure input screen.
To use the Auto dialling facility, all you have to do is place
the "autodial" keyword in the derivation of the field which
contains the telephone number. If the field already has a
derivation then add "autodial" as a prefix.
Ex. Autodial Lookup(customers,phone)
To initiate the call type Ctrl + D.
By default Easy Base uses tone dialling via COM1. If your modem
is connected to COM2 you can set this up from the Options item
on the Utilities menu.
If your exchange does not recognize tone dialling then you can
pulse dial by pressing Ctrl + P.
If you operate from a private exchange and have to wait for an
outside line after dialling 9 then place a "W" between the 9
and the rest of the number.
1. You can only have one derivation prefix on any one field.
2. The Autodial prefix cannot be tested in derivation test
- 5 -
Easy Base includes an inbuilt Backup system for your
applications and data.
If you select "Backup Application" from the utilities menu then
Easy Base will backup your entire application - Choicelist
fields - Forms - Data and procedures. The backup system will
split large files across multiple disks automatically.
When an application is finished and you have backup copies then
backing up choice lists and procedures is wasteful of time and
floppies. You can backup only the users data by calling "Backup
Data" from a user menu.
Backup Principles.
The reason for a backup is that in the event of a computer or
hard disk failure you will have your application or data to
restore on the new machine.
If you have no backup and your machine fails then you have lost
all your data. If you have only one backup and your machine
fails while doing a backup then you have lost all your data.
The principle of safe backing up is to keep two sets of backup
disks in separate boxes marked "Latest" and "Previous".
Whenever you do a backup you use the disks from the "Previous"
box - move the disks from the "Latest" to the "Previous" and
put your new backups in the latest box when completed.
This not only overcomes the problem of a failure during backup
but also provides a secondary set of disks if any of the
"Latest" disks turn out to be faulty when you come to restore.
If you ever have to use a backup disk and find that it has
developed a bad sector then you can attempt a recovery with a
utility such as "Norton" Disk Test. Easy Base leaves
approximately 5K of unused disk space on all backup disks so
that such a utility has somewhere to move bad sectors to.
To save disk space, Easy Base does not backup index files. If
you ever have to use a backup disk then the index files are
rebuilt after restoring the data.
See Also:- Restore
- 6 -
The "beep" control is used in field derivations to alert the
user to input errors. In addition to sounding the beeper the
"beep" control has two optional additional parts - A message to
be sent to the message line and cursor redirection. This is
normally to the field in which the error has been made but can
be to any field. Field controls are appended to field
derivations and are enclosed in square brackets.
Ex. If(partno < 0,blank[beepPart Numbers must not be
negativeCursor partno],partno)
In this example, if the user enters a negative number in the
partno field the computer will beep,the number will be cleared
from the field, the message "Part Numbers must not be negative"
will be displayed on the message line and the cursor will
return to the "partno" field.
Ex. If(paid = "no" and chequeno <> blank,paid[beepEither bill
has been paid or cheque number entered in errorCursor
In Easy Base, division by zero is not trapped as an error.
There is a very good reason for this. When you start a new
record and all the fields are blank then any field which
provides a value for a division in another field would cause a
division by zero error before its value had been entered.
Whenever Easy Base encounters a division by Zero it divides by
one instead. This is perfectly acceptable in most business
applications. However, if you need to be warned of a division
by zero in formulae then you can provide your own error trap
using the "Beep" control.
If( T4 = 0,blank[beepDivision by Zero Value from Field T4],
- 7 -
In Easy Base the value of any field which does not contain
characters is represented by the word "Blank" irrelevant of
data type.
A numeric field returns the value "Blank" only when the field
is empty. If it has a value of zero then it is NOT blank. In
fact, the main advantage of recognizing "Blank" is that you can
distinguish between zero value and empty numeric fields.
There is, however, one slight disadvantage. If a text field
contains ONLY the word blank and you use its value in a
derivation then the word "Blank" from the field will disappear.
The "Name" field at the top left hand side of this page is
derived by the formula Upper(Name). You will notice that
"Blank" is followed by a full stop. If it were not then the
upper function would return " ".
You can also remove a fields contents by setting it equal to
- 8 -
Throughout a procedure which has a printed output, Easy base
keeps track of the length of page remaining (in inches) in the
system value "Bottom Margin". The Bottom margin value is used
to control pagination in procedures which "Report" on data.
The "Bottom Margin" value is based on the paper type entered
from the Utilities Menu. You must set the type of paper you are
using before using "Bottom Margin".
Line feed: Line feed: Line feed
For employees
print list items
if bottom margin < .5 then
page feed: line feed :line feed : line feed
line feed
end if
In the above example the list items section is printed with a
blank line between each and with a half inch top and bottom
page margin.
When you base decisions on the "Bottom margin" value you should
always do so with a "Greater Than" or "Less Than" operator. If
you used " If Bottom margin = .5 then Page feed" your page
would only be ejected if and when the "Bottom Margin" value was
exactly 0.5 As most printing is done at six lines to the inch
it is most unlikely that the "Bottom margin" value would ever
be half an inch.
- 9 -
You can bypass the sign-on screen for both the developers
password and any User-menu password by adding the sub directory
and password to the start up command line. This is particularly
useful in finished applications as the application can be
called directly from a hard disk menu system - the sign on
screen will not appear and the application will start as if it
were a stand alone program.
To start an application in the accounts sub directory whos
start up menu password is "start" use the command line:
EB accounts/start
If you have several applications in different sub directories
all with the same password you can skip entering the password
but still choose the sub directory by using the command line:
EB password
See also Runtime Autostart
- 10 -
You can change your developers access password with this item
on the utilities menu.
- 11 -
If you define a field as the "Choice" type a window will open
into which you can type up to seventeen different choices.
When you have entered your choices you will be asked to give a
name to your choice list. Once a choice list has been saved it
can be used in any other choice field in any other form or
input screen.
Once a choice list has been saved you can edit the contents but
not the field length. Editing a choice list in one form
automatically edits it for any other form.
If you need to alter a list such that the field length will
change then you must create a new list. You can erase the old
one from the utilities menu. If the list is used in more than
one form then you must redefine it in all the other forms in
which it is used
When the cursor enters a choice field your choice list will be
displayed for the user to choose from. He cannot enter any
value other than one from the list.
- 12 -
The Chr$ function returns the character whose ASCII number is
supplied as the parameter.
Ex. Chr$(171)
< Returns "½">
Ex. Jointext(Chr$(227),"r",Chr$(253))
< Returns "πr²"
In Easy Base, text fields are automatically justified left.
This is desirable in record entry as it prevents the user from
entering leading spaces in indexed fields and consequently
trashing alphabetic printouts. However, you may wish to right
justify or centre justify text in printouts. For example, the
righthand "Chr$" at the top of this page is right justified in
its field. You can use the ASCII character 255 to achieve right
or centre justification.
Heading = jointext(stringof((30-lengthtext(name))/2,Chr$(255)),
< This centres name in the 30 character field "heading">
Heading =Jointext(stringof(40-lengthtext(name),Chr$(255)),name)
< This right justifies name in a 40 character field
You can produce any ASCII character ( 0 - 255 ) with the Chr$
function. ASCII characters 0 to 31 are used as printer controls
and although you can use them freely on screen you should never
include them in a procedure output which will be sent to the
The ASCII character 127 is used internally by Easy Base to
replace quotation marks within quoted text. It should not be
used for any other purpose.
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value, field, variable, expression or function
returning a number between 0 and 255
- 13 -
The "Clear Records From" command clears all records from a form
by erasing its data and index files. If you need to erase all
records form a form always use the "Clear Records" command
rather than "Delete Record" command. It is much faster and does
not require the form to be re-packed afterward.
If input.confirm = "yes" then clear records from invoices
- 14 -
The "Clearfields" control blanks out all other fields on a form
or procedure input screen whenever the field containing the
control is changed.
The primary use for the "Clearfields" control is to force
default lookups to re-derive for procedures which edit data.
For Example - If you wrote a procedure to alter customers
addresses and telephone numbers then you would have three
fields on the input screen.
Accountno derived lookup(customers,accountno)
address derived default(lookup(customers,address))
Tel derived default(lookup(customers,tel))
When you enter a customers account number, his old address and
telephone number will be looked up, but the "Default" function
will allow you to edit them. The procedure code would then
update the record with the new address and phone number.
The problem is, that having entered an account number and
looked up the other fields, if you then realize you have
entered the wrong account number and change it, the other
fields will not re-derive because they now have a default
value. To get them to lookup based on the new account number
you would have to take the cursor to each field and clear it
with the F6 key.
you can automate this process by adding the "Clearfields"
control to the accountno derivation:-
Note: The "Clearfields" control will only work when appended
to a derivation which is already dependent on the value of the
field. If you want to clear fields based on a change to a field
which has no other derivation then you must derive the field
with its own name plus the "Clearfields" control.
In a field "Number" the derivation - Number[clearfields] - will
clear all other fields when the "Number" field is edited but
the derivation [clearfields] will have no effect.
- 15 -
Close File Command Close
The "Close" command closes a non Easy Base file which has been
opened with the "Open" command.
If a procedure only opens a single external file then the close
command can be ommitted, but if several files are opened within
a procedure then each must be closed before the next is opened.
You can only have one external file open at any one time.
declare output fields
Files : Path
declare variables
Ln as text
Read line to Ln
if lefttext(Ln,6) = "files=" then exit do
Files = Ln
read line to Ln
if Lefttext(Ln,4) = "path" then exit do
Path = Ln
Print List Items
See also: Open, Seek, Read, Write, Find, Erase
- 16 -
If you need to list records from a form in such a way that they
are grouped by one field but with each record in the group
ordered by another then you can either use a compound index
field or "Subindex" the group during the procedure.
A compound index field is simply an additional field in which
the contents of two or more fields are compounded using the
"Jointext" function. The field is indexed and the index on that
field can then be used to select records with the desired group
For example:- A "Videos" form has fields for "Title",
"RentalPrice" and "Category".
To list the records grouped by "Category" but with the "Titles"
in each category in alphabetic order you add another field to
the form which is Text, Indexed and long enough to hold the
contents of both the "category" and "Title" fields. The field
is derived by joining the text of the "Category" and "Title"
There are a couple of minor complications in creating compound
index fields. Firstly the "Jointext" function by default strips
any trailing space characters from the text it is joining. If a
straight "Jointext" function was used and the first two videos
entered were "A Bridge Too Far" and "Snow White" then the
compound fields would derive as:-
"WarA Bridge Too Far" and
"CartoonSnow White"
When what you need is:-
"War A Bridge Too Far" and
"Cartoon Snow White "
To produce the desired spacing in the compound field use the
"Spacepad" function.
If the length of the "Category" field is 15 then derive the
compound field with - Jointext(spacepad(category,15),title)
If you are compounding more than two fields then "spacepad" all
the fields being joined to their own field's length except the
last one.
The maximum length of a text field in Easy Base is 80
characters. If the fields you need to compound total more than
80 then you must reduce the length of the field names. Compound
indices in Text Block fields should not be used.
- 17 -
Once you have created a compound field and checked that it
derives correctly it is normal to define it as invisible and no
entry anyway as it is not its contents that are of interest but
the order which its index produces.
Ex. Assuming the compound field was called "catgroup"
for videos with catgroup in order
print list items
.List Items
{Videos.Category Field} {Videos.Title Field}
declare variables
catcheck as text
for videos with catgroup in order
if catcheck <> videos,category then print group header
catcheck = videos.category
print list items
.Group Header
Films categorized as {category field}
.List Items
{Title field}
There is yet a further complication if one or more of the
fields to be compounded is numeric. Easy Base index files are
sorted alphabetically if the field is text and numerically if
the field is numeric. A compound field is always text so if you
need to compound a numeric field you have to ensure that it
will sort alphabetically to the same order that it sorts
numerically. The text of numeric values sort alphabetically to
the same order as their values only if they all have the same
number of digits either side of the decimal point.
6 12 and 34 sort alphabetically as 12 34 6
06 12 and 34 sort alphabetically as 06 12 34
- 18 -
Easy Base provides the function "Zeropad" to pad numbers to the
same length for compounding. The "Zeropad" function has three
parameters - The number to be padded, the number of digits left
of the decimal to pad to and the number of digits right of the
decimal to pad to. All three parameters must be supplied. If
the number is an integer then the third parameter is 0.
Ex. To list the "Videos" records grouped by rental price with
the titles in each price group in order you would create a
compound field derived with:-
A "Ships" form has fields for "Type" and "Displacement"
To list the ships grouped by type with the Displacement in each
group in order you would create a compound field derived with:-
In many cases where you wish to compound a mixture of text and
numeric fields you will require the numeric values to be listed
in descending order while the text value is to be in alphabetic
In the above example for ships, had you wished each group to
be listed with "Displacement" in descending order you would
derive the compound field as:-
The "Reverse" function simply inverts the ACSII number of each
character in its parameter so that it will sort in reverse
order in the index file.
The "Reverse" function works equally well on text values
although reverse alphabetic lists are seldom required.
The "Zeropad" function will only pad out a number to the size
required. It will not trim the number if it is already longer
than one of the pad lengths. You should not therefore create
compound fields with Floating Point numbers.
If you compound a date or time field you should zeropad it to
5,0 as the text which will be used is actually the date or time
fields numeric value.
- 19 -
Occasionally, in an input screen, you will wish to lookup
details from a form whose unique field is a compound of two
others. As an example, if you wished to lookup details from
the "Userlist" form, mentioned in the manual, then you would
have to base the lookups on a relationship between a field on
the input screen and the "UNI" field in "Userlist". The "UNI"
field in userlist is a combination of the "Aircraft" forms
"Knownas" field and the "Airlines" form "Name" field.
Although you could simply use a field "UNI" on the input screen
and derive it :- Lookup(userlist,uni) - this would mean that
the end user would have to enter the whole of the aircraft
Knownas part plus part of the airlines name part plus the "*"
in order to get the lookup.
This would not only be awkward to use but would also entail
explaining compound fields to the end user.
You can avoid this situation by providing two fields, one in
which the user looks up the aircraft knownas field and one in
which he looks up the airline name. These are based on separate
relationships between the input screen and the "Aircraft" and
"Airlines" forms.
The input screen's "UNI" field can now be made invisible with
no user entry and derived:- Jointext(knownas,name).
A relationship is entered between the input screen and the
"Userlist" form linking the "UNI" fields and all the required
details can then be derived :- lookup(userlist,whatever).
- 20 -
When you are transferring values from the fields of one form to
the fields of another in preparation for a "New Record" or
"Update Record" you can use "Copy All From" to save time.
for invoiceitems new record
invoiceitems.item = input.item
invoiceitems.price = input.price
invoiceitems.quantity = input.quantity
invoiceitems.vatrate = input.vatrate
can be replaced with:-
for invoiceitems new record
copy all from input
The data transfer in a "Copy All From" is based on the source
and destination fields having the same name.
If the source and destination fields have different data types
Easy Base will attempt a conversion.
The conversion will succeed between different numeric types and
from numeric to text. It will fail from text to numeric and
between any mismatch of date and time.
See also:- Derive Off, Duplicate Prevention
- 21 -
If you write an application in which records are entered via
procedures and "running" statistics are kept, you will have to
provide procedures which allow the user to correct any mistakes
he has made.
For Example: - In a "Time Sheets" application the user enters a
time and customer on the input screen of a procedure. The
procedure then calculates the charge, writes the charge and
customers name to the "Timesheet" form, adds the charge to the
"Balance" field in the "Customers" form and also adds it to the
"Total" field in the "Workinhand" form.
If the operator makes an error then correcting the entry in the
"Timesheet" form is simply a case of updating it but to correct
the "Balance" and "Total" fields you must add the corrected
value and subtract the old incorrect value.
To get the two values together for your procedure, create an
input screen where the operator enters the "line" ("line" is
the unique sequenced field in "Timesheet"). Then create two
fields for the values. The first, "oldval" is derived
lookup(timesheet,charge) and the second, "newval" is derived
The "Oldval" field can be invisible and has no user entry.
You would also add two similarly derived fields "Oldcustomer"
and "Newcustomer".
When the user edits the "Newval" and/or "Newcustomer" field and
presses F2 , all the required values are available to the
procedure code:-
pause off : escape off
for timesheet with line = input.line
timesheet.charge = input.newval
timesheet.customer = input.newcustomer
update record
for customers with name = input.oldcustomer
customers.balance = customers.balance - input.oldval
update record
for customers with name = input.newcustomer
customers.balance = customers.balance + input.newval
update record
for workinhand
workinhand.total = workinhand.total+input.newval-input.oldval
update record
- 22 -
The "Create Temp As" command makes a temporary form during a
procedure. There are two main uses for the temporary form.
1. To physically sort the records in a form.
create temp as addresses
index off:pause off:escape off:derive off
for addresses with surname in order
for temp new record
copy all from addresses
rename temp as addresses
The other main use for the temporary file is to save time when
the majority of records in a form are to be deleted.
A purchases ledger form is to be cleared down at the year end
but any unreconciled payment entries are to be retained and
flagged as last years. If there were 15000 records in the form
of which only 50 were unreconciled then the procedure
for purchases
if purchases.reconciled = "yes" then
delete record
purchases.lastyear = "yes"
update record
end if
would not only take a very long time to run but would leave the
form full of deleted records and it would have to be re-packed.
The same result can be achieved very quickly and without the
need to re-pack with the following procedure.
create temp as purchases
for purchases with reconciled = "no"
for temp new record
copy all from purchases
temp.lastyear = "yes"
rename temp as purchases
Do not use the "Clear Records" command to wipe the old file
before using "Rename Temp As". If you suffered a power failure
after clearing and before renaming you would lose your data.
- 23 -
To create a distributable application with the Easy Base
Royalty free Runtime Module, first, ensure that your
application has a user menu with a start up password. If you
wish your runtime application to start without a sign on screen
then this password should be "Autostart".
Make a new directory for your module and copy all the files
from the Easy Base sub directory in which you developed the
application to it.
Copy the Configuration file "EB.SET" from your Easy Base
directory to this directory.
Insert the Runtime Module disk in a floppy drive. Change to
that drive and type "MODULE".
The "Module" program will first ask you for the path to the
application files. Once you enter this it will unpack the
runtime files into your new directory.
It will then ask for the name of your application. The name you
supply here will be displayed on any sign on screens and also
on the shutdown "Thank you for using - " line.
It will then ask you for your copyright line. The text you
enter here will replace the line "Application of Easy Base -
Not for Resale" which appears above your menus.
Finally, you will be asked for the Executable file name you
wish to use for your program.
When you have entered the details - Press F2 and your
application will be complete and ready to sell.
For professional distribution disks just like the ones Easy
Software is distributed on, you can purchase Easy Install.
This utility will compress your application and create a
distribution disk with an install program customized for your
- 24 -
In Easy Base, fields are not normally derived when a previously
entered record is viewed on screen. You can force a field to be
rederived when viewed by prefixing the derivation with
Ex. An invoice form has three fields Ivdate,Cdate and age.
Ivdate is derived as "system date"
Cdate is derived as "current system date"
age is derived as jointext(Cdate-Ivdate," Days old")
Each time a record is viewed the Cdate field is rederived with
the current system date and the age field shows the number of
days since the record was filed.
A form is used to price a certain job. It consists of fields
for materials and their prices which are looked up from a
"stock" form. If the primary lookup fields are prefixed with
"current" - "current lookup(stock,item)"
then each time a record is viewed it will reprice the job using
the latest prices from the "stock" file.
Please note that in the case of lookups, prefixing a secondary
lookup has no effect. In the above example
"current lookup(stock,price)" would not work
Provided that the primary lookup field is prefixed with
"current" then any secondary lookups will also be rederived.
The values of "Current" fields are also rederived whenever they
are accessed in procedure code but they are NOT REDERIVED when
they are accessed by a Lookup function.
Note: You can only have one prefix on any one field derivation.
- 25 -
Whenever a procedure is processing a "FOR" loop the number of
the record being processed is available in the "Current Record"
system value. The "Current Record" value is the records actual
number in the form, not the number of records processed.
for books with category = "fiction"
count = count + 1
Posn = current record
If the first book found with the category "fiction" is the
fifteenth record in the file then count will return 1 and
Posn will return 15.
The "Current Record" value has no meaning in field derivations.
- 26 -
You can replace the default help line (bottom line) in both
data entry and procedure input screens.
Press F6 in form or input screen design to access the help
If you wish to revert to the default help line just erase your
customized one.
- 27 -
In many applications you will come across the situation where
you need a procedure which will perform the same actions on a
given set of records. For example, in a payroll system the
procedure which calculates the employees wage and deductions
has to be repeated for each employee so that their hours can be
entered. If you simply enter each employees Worksno and lookup
his or her details then it will be easy to miss an employee or
to do one twice.
To avoid this you can create a procedure which will cycle each
employee through the input screen and terminate when all
employees have been processed.
On the employees form, add a field "Cycled" which is a single
character indexed field derived :- Default("N").
On the procedure input screen add an invisible field "Cycled"
which is derived "N"
You now enter two relationships between the procedure and the
employees form. The main relationship "Employees" links the
fields "Worksno" and the second, lets call it "Cycled" links
the "Cycled" fields.
On the input screen you derive the "Worksno" field as
Lookup(cycled,worksno) and all the other details as
When you run the procedure, the first employees details will be
loaded automatically and all you have to enter are his hours.
To have the next employee loaded after you run the procedure,
the procedure code simply includes the lines:-
for employees with worksno = input.worksno
employees.cycled = "Y"
update record
When all employees have been processed the "Worksno" field will
derive blank as there are no employees with "N" in the "Cycled"
field. You can therefore pass a "finished" message by altering
the derivation of "Worksno" to :-
if(lookup(cycled,worksno)=blank,blank[beepAll Employees have
now been processed],lookup(cycled,worksno))
To reset cycling for the next payroll you write an additional
procedure with the code:-
for employees
employees.cycled = "N" : update record
- 28 -
Data Import UTILITY Data Import
There are four Data Import routines in Easy Base. The first
imports data from files which conform to the Xbase standard
first introduced by Dbase. The second imports data from "Comma
Delimited" files. This is the standard used by most sequencial
access and non relational data systems. The third routine
imports data from fixed length record text files. This is the
format which is used by all systems to output data. You can
therefore import data from virtually any other system by first
reporting on it to a disk file and then importing it with the
fixed length ASCII import routine. The fourth routine imports
one ASCII line per field.
If the data you wish to import is in Xbase format, Easy Base
will report the structure of the file. You can print this out
by pressing F10. You now design a form to hold the imported
data. The names that you give to the Easy Base fields do not
have to be the same as the Xbase field names but they must be
in the same order. If the Xbase fields are text then the Easy
Base fields must be the same length. If the Xbase fields are
numeric then the Easy Base fields must be numeric. It does not
matter if they are different lengths and any of the three
types, integer, fixed point or floating point can be used.
If an Xbase field is a date field then it must be imported to
an eight character text field in Easy Base. You can reformat it
to an Easy Base date field after importation (See the Method -
Data Type Conversion). Easy Base does not support "Memo" data.
If the Xbase file has a memo field you can still import from it
but the memo field itself will be skipped by the import
To import data from comma delimited files all you have to do is
design a form with the same number of fields as there are in
the file to be imported. Numeric fields can be any of the three
types and text fields should be long enough to hold the longest
data expected in the incoming field. If any of the fields to be
imported holds a date then it must be imported to a text field.
You can convert it to a date later.
To import data from fixed length ASCII files you must design a
form in which all fields are text and are exactly the same
length and in the same order as the fields in the file to be
imported. If the file to be imported has a header you can allow
for this by entering the header length in bytes.
If you are using the fixed length import routine to import data
which you have output as a report from another system then
- 29 -
Data Import UTILITY Data Import
please note the following points.
The output report from the original system should have no
headers, footers or left margin and there should be no spaces
between fields.
When the original system outputs the data it will add a
carriage return and line feed sequence to the end of each
record. When you design the form to import this data to, you
must have a final two character text field to trap this
sequence and maintain the same record length. This field can
be deleted after importation.
All fields are imported as text. If any of them contain numeric
values which you wish to convert to numeric fields you must do
this after importation. (See Method Data Type Conversion)
The ASCII line import routine imports one line per field from
an ASCII text file. If you have one field on the form to which
you import then you will have one line per record. If you have
two fields on the form to which you import then you will have
two lines per record Etc.
The import routines are for loading entire data files into Easy
Base. For Flexible import and export to any part of any file
see the External File Commands documentation.
- 30 -
Data Type Conversion METHOD Data Type Conversion
In Easy Base, modifying the structure of a data file after it
contains data is very easy and flexible. If you select Modify
Existing Form from the Forms menu you can add fields, delete
fields, change field order, change field lengths and Easy Base
will reformat your existing data automatically.
You can NOT however change data types simply by changing the
field type. If you change a field type and save the form you
will almost certainly lose the data that was in that field.
(Other than changing from one numeric type to another)
If you work entirely within Easy Base there is no reason why
you should ever need to change a field type. However, if you
have imported data from Dbase or Fixed Length ASCII you may
find yourself with numeric or date values held in text fields.
The procedure for converting data from one type to another is
as follows:-
1. Select Modify Existing Form
2. Add a new field of the desired type with a derivation
formula such that it will derive its value from the field
of the old type.
3. Save the form.
4. Select Modify the form again.
5. Cancel the derivation formula in the new field and delete
the old field.
6. Re save the form.
To derive a numeric field from a text field the derivation
formula is simply the text field name.
To derive a date field from a Dbase imported date in a text
field called DT the formula is:-
Version 3.10
From V3.1 you can change field types between text and numeric
and retain any numeric values that were in the field
automatically . You still cannot change a field type from date
or time to text or vice versa without following the above
- 31 -
Date fields hold dates in the eight character format 11/11/94
The assumed century runs from the first of January 1981 to the
31st of december 2080.
You can select whether you wish your dates to be displayed as
day/month/year (European) or month/day/year (North American)
from the "options" item on the utilities menu.
You can perform addition and subtraction operations on date
values in days.
Ex. System date + 30
Arithmetic operations are only correct for the assumed century.
Date fields are automatically checked for validity by the
Easy base does not provide a ready made ten character date
field but you can define one with the "Formatted Text" field
See Also:- Makedate
- 32 -
This function returns the date parameter in the form:-
14th October 1994 or
October 14th 1994 depending on the date format selected in
the utilities menu.
Ex. datetext(system date)
Ex. datetext(invoicedate + 30)
Acceptable parameters:
System date
Date field
Makedate function
Date expression
- 33 -
This function returns the day no.(1-31) of the date parameter.
Ex. dayofmonth(system date)
Ex dayofmonth(registered)
if dayofmonth(system date) = 28 then
for statements with settled = "No"
statements.overdue = "Yes"
update record
end if
Acceptable parameters:
System date
Date field
Makedate function
Date expression
- 34 -
This function returns the day no.(1-7) of the date parameter.
Ex. dayofweek(system date)
Ex. day = spellday(dayofweek(diary.date))
Ex. The following procedure, if called from a batch execute
menu will only run on a Monday.
declare output fields
if dayofweek(system date) = 1 then
for takings with date in reverse order
print list items
if system date - takings.date > 7 then exit for
end if
Acceptable parameters:
System date
Date field
Makedate function
Date expression
- 35 -
This function returns the day no.(1-365) of the date parameter.
Ex. dayofyear(system date)
Ex. days = dayofyear(events.date)
Acceptable parameters:
System date
Date field
Makedate function
Date expression
- 36 -
If you write a procedure which outputs information to the
screen, printer or a disk file you must start it by declaring
the output fields.
Declare output fields
If fields you intend to print exist in a form then declare them
as Formname.Fieldname. Fields from the procedures Input Screen
are declared as Input.fieldname. Easy Base will then use the
field definitions from the form as defaults when you create the
Output Format for the procedure.
If a field which you intend to print is to be derived during
the procedure and does not exist in a form as "countofinvoices"
you can give it any name you wish up to forty characters but
the name must not contain a ".". Once you have declared fields
you can create the Output Format.
If you declare an "Ad Hoc" field such as "countovinvoices" then
you must include it in the format in order to define its type
and length.
If you require variables to store values during a procedure but
you will not be out-putting their values then declare them as
variables not fields.
declare variables
count as number
lasttype as text
Unprinted variables can only have one of the two types "Number"
or "Text".
Field declarations must precede Variable declarations and both
must precede executable code.
- 37 -
This function returns the parameter if not overridden by user
Ex. Default(5)
Ex. Default(system date)
Ex. Default(lookup(stock,price))
The Default function is only used in form and input screen
field derivations - It has no meaning in procedure code.
Acceptable parameters
Any value, expression, field, variable or nested function of
the same type as the field in which it is used.
- 38 -
The "delay" control suspends processing for a given number of
A procedure screen is used from a startup Batch execute menu as
an opening screen to an application and has the following field
1. "Welcome to this wonderful program" [delay 1000]
2. "Copyright Fred blogs"[delay 1000]
3. "Press F2 to start"
If the field colours are "text" ,"alt1" or "alt2" then the
three fields will "Popup" with a one second delay between each.
- 39 -
The "Delay" command suspends processing for a given number of
milliseconds (1 - 5000).
declare variables
x as number : total as number
for customers
customers.balance = 0
for invoices with acno = customers.acno
display status "Totalling invoices for" + Customers.name
delay 200
customers.balance = customers.balance + invoices.total
update record
In the above example, wherever a customer only has one or two
invoices to total, the status display would change very
quickly. By including a 200 millisecond delay you can ensure
that each customers name is on screen at least long enough to
be read.
Delay values outside of 1 - 5000 are ignored.
The delay parameter cannot be supplied as a variable.
- 40 -
If you have Choice lists for choice fields that are no longer
required you can delete them with this utility.
- 41 -
The "Delete Record" command is used for the selective deletion
of records in a form.
for books with title = input.title
delete record
This deletes the single book whose title is that entered on the
input screen.
for books with author = input.author
delete record
This deletes the records of all books by the author entered on
the input screen.
When you use the "Delete Record" command it has the same effect
as deleting a record in data entry. In other words the record
is marked for deletion but will not actually be removed from
the form until the next re-pack.
If you use the "Delete Record" command to delete large numbers
of records then you should pack the form afterward.
If you wish to delete all records in a form use the "Clear
records" command not the "Delete Record" command.
- 42 -
Whenever an Easy Base procedure adds or updates a record then
by default it checks the derivations of all fields during an
add operation and any fields that are affected by an update
operation. In other words, if you update the netprice field in
a stock form and that form has derived fields for VAT and
grossprice then those fields will also be updated.
If the procedure adds or updates all fields then this process
is superfluous and simply slows the procedure. You can disable
form derivation checking with the "Derive Off" command.
derive off
for stock with item = input.item
copy all from input
update record
In the above example a stock form has several derived fields
but the input screen also does the same derivations. There is
therefore no need to re-check them when the record is updated.
As a general rule, in procedures which add or update records
from an input screen, you should derive all fields on the input
screen rather than during the update process. The user will not
notice the time taken to derive fields while he is filling them
in but he will notice the time taken to derive them after he
has pressed F2
There is no corresponding "Derive On" command. Derivation
checking is automatically turned back on at the end of the
loop to which is prefixed by the "Derive Off" command. If you
require derivation checking to be off for more than one loop in
a procedure then you must issue the command before each loop.
If the "Derive Off" command is not issued before a loop then
form level derivations override procedure derivations. This is
not normally a problem, but can be if you try to change the
case of a field for printing.
For customers
customers.name = proper(customers.name)
print list items
If the "Name" field on the "Customers" form is derived as
Upper(name) then the procedure will print the customers names
in upper case. You can overcome the problem either by
cancelling the field derivation or by transferring the
customers name to a variable and converting that to proper.
- 43 -
If you write a procedure which has no output then Easy Base
will display a "Running" flash at the top right hand side of
the screen. For procedures which only take a few seconds to run
this is sufficient to let the operator know that something is
happening. For procedures that take some time to complete you
should include a status display showing the progress of the
procedure. A status display not only allays the nagging
suspicion that the system has hung up but also allows the
operator to estimate how long it will take.
To create a status display just issue the command "Display
Status" followed by a message composed of text in quotation
marks and fields or variables concatenated by the + sign.
declare variables
x as number : y as number
for employees with taxcode = input.oldtaxcode
y = total copies :exit for 'get copies to y for display
for employees with taxcode = input.oldtaxcode
x = x + 1
display status "Updating Record" + x + "of" + y
employees.taxcode = input.newtaxcode
update record
The status line is displayed centrally in a small window when
the procedure runs. A Status line can have a maximum of 68
characters. If you create a status line of more than 68
characters then it will be cut short to that length.
If you need to display counters in two nested loops then write
the full display line in the outer loop and "display status"
with no parameters in the inner loop.
for customers
x = x + 1
- loop statements -
display status "Checking Invoice" + y + "of customer" + x
for invoices with customer = customers.name
y = y + 1
- Loop Statements -
display status
- 44 -
The "Do" loop structure is used in the Easy Base Procedure code
to repeat a series of commands or statements. Whenever a
procedure reaches a "Do" command it repeats all the statements
between the "Do" and the "Loop" statements until the loop is
broken by an "Exit Do" command.
The following code fragment prints 10 copies of the top fifty
best selling items in a "stock" form.
declare output fields
stock.item : stock.sales : today
Declare variables
copies as number : items as number
today = system date
copies = copies + 1 :items = 0
if copies = 11 then exit do
bold on
print report header
bold off
for stock with sales in reverse order
items = items + 1
if items = 51 then exit for
print list items
bold on : print report footer : bold off
page feed
.Report Header
Top 50 Best Selling Items {today field}
.list items
{stock.item field} {stock.sales field}
.Report Footer
- 45 -
1. Where "Blank" values are acceptable.
Quite often you will come across a situation where a field must
not have duplicate entries but can still be left blank. You
cannot define this field as unique because that would prevent
more than one blank entry. A good example of such a situation
is in the "Menus Form" of Easy Base. The definition and unique
field is the "Menu Title" but no two records may have the same
entry in the sign on "Password" field.
To prevent duplicate entries other than blanks you must enter a
relationship between the form and itself with the field to be
tested as the related field in both primary and secondary
The field is then derived as :-
If(lookup(menus,password) <> blank,blank[beepDuplicate Password
2. When entering records via procedures.
When you use a procedure to enter a new record to a form it is
not automatically checked as "Unique". To ensure that
duplicate entries are not entered via procedures you must check
that the data entered on the procedures input screen is unique
to the form you are about to enter it to before running the
procedure. For example: If you were about to enter a record to
the "Manufacturers" form in which the "Name" field was unique
then the "Name" field on the input screen would be derived:-
if(lookup(manufacturers,name) <> blank,blank[beepDuplicate
Name !cursor name],name)
- 46 -
Erase File Command Erase
The "Erase" command erases files. It accepts wildcard
Erase "C:\letters\*.doc"
index off
For faxlog with date < system date - 30
erase jointext("C:\Fax\",faxlog.filename)
delete record
- 47 -
When a procedure is running in Easy Base, it cannot, by
default, be interrupted. If your procedure simply lists data to
the screen then the end user may not need to see the entire
output. You can allow the user to terminate a procedure
prematurely with the "Escape On" command.
If a procedure performs several tasks, you can selectively
enable and disable the Escape Key with the commands "Escape On"
and "Escape" Off"
For newpayscales
print list items
escape off
for newpayscales
for employees with scale = newpayscales.scale
employees.rate = newpayscales.rate
update record
escape on
for employees
print newpay
In the above example a procedure lists new pay scales, updates
the "Employees" form with the new pay rate and then lists the
employees with their new rates.
While the procedure is running the operator can terminate it
during either of the lists but he cannot terminate it during
the process of updating the "Employees" form.
- 48 -
The "Exit Batch Menu" command terminates a current Batch Menu
and returns control to the menu which called it.
An application starts with a batch menu which calls a second
batch menu which performs regular daily tasks. It then calls
the main user menu. If the application is exited after the
daily tasks batch menu has been completed then you will not
wish to re-run the daily tasks when the application is
restarted on the same day. To prevent this create a form
"tasksdone" with a single field "date" and enter a single
record with yesterdays date.
The first procedure on the daily tasks batch menu would then be
for tasksdone
if tasksdone.date = system date then
exit batch menu
tasksdone.date = system date
update record
end if
- 49 -
The "Exit Procedure" command terminates a procedure.
if input.codeword <> "fred" then exit procedure
for staffconfidential with name = input.name
print list items
If the procedure has a repeating input screen then this is
cancelled by the "Exit Procedure" command.
- 50 -
File_Date File_Time System value File_Date File_Time
Whenever you open a non Easy Base file it's date and time stamp
are available in the system values File_Date and File_Time.
- 51 -
File_Len System Value File_Len
Whenever you open an external file with the "Open" Command the
length of the opened file is available in the system value
The main use of the File_Len value is to position the
Read/Write pointer ready to append data to an existing file.
declare variables
CR as text
CR = jointext(chr$(13),chr$(10))
Open "C:\WP\Address.txt"
seek File_Len + 1
Write Input.name
Write CR
Write Input.address1
Write CR
Write Input.address2
Write CR
Write input.address3
Write CR
- 52 -
File_Pos System Value File_Pos
Whenever you open an external file with the "Open" command,
The position of the file read/write pointer is available in the
system value File_Pos.
The value is in bytes counting the first byte as 1.
The File_Pos value is used to make relative movements of the
Read/write pointer with the "Seek" command
Open "C:\myfiles\Report.txt"
for reports new record
Read 10 to reports.CustNo
Seek File_pos + 3
read 20 to reports.Custname
You can move the Read/Write pointer in either direction.
Seek File_Pos - 20
If you move the pointer back beyond the start of the file Easy
Base generates the error message "Seek Value < 1 !".
See Also: Open, Close, Seek, Read, Write
- 53 -
Find File Command Find
The "Find" command is used to select non Easy Base files using
a wildcard Spec. When you issue the command Find with a
wildspec parameter, Easy Base finds the first file to match the
spec and puts its name in the Found_File system value. If you
then repeat the command without a spec, Easy Base finds the
next matching filename and puts it in Found_File. When all
files have been found the Found_File value reverts to "Blank".
Example: A company recieves replacement part orders by FAX.
After the Address lines the FAX is formatted in four lines
"Order Start:" - Engineers ID - Part ID - Quantity.
All incoming FAXes for parts are filed in C:\FAX\ORDERS.
The following procedure imports the orders to the Orders form
and then deletes the FAX files.
Declare variables
Ln as text
Find "C:\FAX\ORDERS\*.*"
If Found_File = Blank then exit do
For orders new record
open jointext("C:\FAX\ORDERS\",Found_File)
Read line to Ln
If Ln = "Order start:" then exit do
Read line to orders.engineer
Read line to order.part
read line to orders.quantity
Erase "C:\FAX\ORDERS\*.*"
- 54 -
Fixed point fields can display up to 14 digits. They use the
comma for thousands separation and the full stop for decimal
There are no rounding errors with fixed point fields.
See - Operators arithmetic
- 55 -
Floating point fields can display up to 14 digits. They do not
have a thousands separator. They are left justified.
- 56 -
The "For" command initiates loops which load records from forms
for processing. All statements between the "For" and the "Next"
commands are repeated for each record selected.
For Videos
If Videos.price = 2.00 then Videos.price = 2.50
update record
In the above example each record in the "Videos" form is loaded
into memory - the price field is checked and if it is 2.00 then
it is altered to 2.50 - the record is then updated on disk.
"For" loops can be nested to any depth.
for videoprices
for videos
if videos.price = videoprices.price then
print list items
end if
In the above example the outer loop loads each record from the
"Videoprices" form. While each of these is in memory it then
loads each record from the "Videos" form, tests to see if the
price field in "Videos" is the same as the price field in
"Videoprices" and if so prints the list items section of the
report format (containing the video title field) thus grouping
all video titles by price.
If a "For" loop is unqualified as above then every record is
processed starting at one and advancing in sequence. "For"
loops can be qualified in several ways in order to select
records in other orders or groups. The following qualifications
are available:-
For (form) with (fieldname) in order
For (form) with (fieldname) in reverse order
For (form) with (fieldname) = (value)
For (form) with (fieldname) > (value)
For (form) with (fieldname) < (value)
For (form) with (fieldname) >= (value)
For (form) with (fieldname) <= (value)
For (form) new record
With the exception of the "New Record" qualification, all
accept the suffix "Unique" and an "Alias" for the form name.
- 57 -
If a "For" loop is qualified by "in order" or "in reverse
order" then the records are selected in alphabetical or reverse
alphabetical order if the selection field is text, and in
numeric or reverse numeric order if the selection field is
for books with title in order
print list items
for salesmen with monthlysales in reverse order
print list items
If a "For" loop is qualified by "in order unique" or "in
reverse order unique" then records will be selected in order or
in reverse order as above. However, where there are multiple
occurrence of the same field value a "unique" loop will only
select the first occurrence of each value if the loop is in
order or the last occurrence if the loop is in reverse order.
for books with category in order unique
count = count + 1
print list items
print categorycount
This example prints and counts the different categories in the
"books" form.
for theatreseats with price in reverse order unique
for seatprices new record
seatprices.price = theatreseats.price
The above example selects one example only of each seat price
in an existing "theatreseats" form in descending price order
and enters a new record in the new "seatprices" form.
- 58 -
If a "For" loop is qualified by a "Fieldname = " condition then
only the record or records where the field contents match the
condition will be selected.
for books with category = "fiction"
print list items
This example prints all books which have the category "fiction"
For customers with acno = input.acno
creditlimit = input.creditlimit
update record
In this example the procedure has an input screen where the
operator enters a customers account number and new credit
limit. On pressing F2 the procedure finds the single record in
the "Customers" form which has the input account number and
updates the "creditlimit" field.
- 59 -
If a "For" loop is qualified by a "with (fieldname) > " or
"with (fieldname) >= " condition then records are selected in
order like the "with (fieldname) in order" qualification but
starting with the first record where the field contents match
the condition value rather than the first record.
Similarly the qualifications "with (fieldname) < " and "with
(fieldname) <= " select records in reverse order but starting
with the last record to match the condition value.
In case you are new to progamming it should be pointed out that
the relational operators >, <, >= and <= can be applied to text
as well as to numbers. When they are applied to text they
relate to the text's alphabetical order.
These four qualifications provide the means to select any
subset of records which has a range of values in a particular
for pupils with age > 6
if pupils.age = 12 then exit for
print list items
This example prints the names of all pupils between the ages of
seven and eleven. The "For" qualification starts selection in
numeric order of age starting at seven and the "Exit for"
command terminates the loop when the first pupil aged twelve is
A "Videos" form has a compound index field called "catorder"
which is derived by joining the text of the "category" and
"title" fields. The following procedure selects all the videos
which have the category entered on the input screen and lists
them with the title in alphabetic order.
for videos with catorder >= input.category
if videos.category > input.category then exit for
print list items
for vehicles with seats > 4 unique
count = count + 1
"count" returns the number of different seat capacities > 4
- 60 -
If a "For" loop is qualified by "new record" then no records
are selected from the form. Instead, a new blank record is
created at the "For" command, all statements between the "For"
and "Next" commands apply to this new record and it is entered
to the form at the "Next" command.
for books new record
books.dateinstock = system date
copy all from input
This example enters a new record to the "Books" form making the
"dateinstock" field equal the system date and copying all other
fields from the procedures input screen.
declare variables
hourcount as number
'..............clear last wages
clear records from wagelist
'..........count employees hours from timesheet...
for employees
hourcount = 0
for timesheet with worksno = employees.worksno
hourcount = hourcount + timesheet.hours
for wagelist new record
wagelist.worksno = employees.worksno
wagelist.name = employees.name
wagelist.hours = hourcount
wagelist.grosswage = employees.wagerate * hourcount
'.................print the wages list
for wagelist with worksno in order
print list items
This procedure starts by erasing the present contents of the
"wagelist" form. It then selects each record from the
"employees" form, counts all entries in the "timesheet" form
for the employee and enters a new record in the "wagelist"
form. Finally it prints the new wage list.
- 61 -
Occasionally you may need to nest a "For" loop of a form within
another "For" loop of the same form. If you do this, then in
order to differentiate between the fields in the outer and
inner loops you must allocate an "alias" name to the form in
one of the loops. When you allocate an alias to a form name
then all the fields of the form can also be referenced by the
alias name.
.......................procedure code...........
declare output fields
males : females : pupils.age
for pupils with age in order unique
males = 0 : females = 0
for pupils alias agegroups with age = pupils.age
if agegroups.sex = "male" then
males = males + 1
females = females + 1
end if
print list items
....................output format......................
.list items
There are {males} males and {females} females aged {pupils.age}
This example counts and prints the number of male and female
pupils in each age group.
If you intend to print fields from one of the nested loops as
the "Age" field above then you should give the alias name to
the other loop. You can only declare an output field with the
real form name. If you have to print fields from both loops
then you must declare an "Ad Hoc" field and pass the alias
fields contents to it for printing.
If you need to exclude individual or groups of records from
selection just use the "Skip Record" or "Skip Group" command.
for videos with category in order
if videos.category = "Cartoon" then skip group
print list items
- 62 -
To print form letters (circulars) with a different address and
salutation for each entry in an address form simply type the
entire letter between the .List Items and .End of the output
.........................procedure code........
Declare output fields
Addr.name : Addr.street : Addr.town
date = datetext(system date)
for addr
print list items
page feed
.........................output format........
.List Items
My street
My county
{date field }
{Addr.name field }
{Addr.street field }
{Addr.town field }
Dear {Addr.salutation},
You are invited................................
Yours faithfully,
Fred A Blogs
Although this is the fastest way to produce a short form
letter, the Format Editor is not the nicest place to write
text. If you want the benefits of word wrap and spell checking
then you can create a form in which to write the letter. Create
text block fields to hold a page of text and a name field so
that you can store many different letters and print them with
the same procedure. If your letters are to be more than one
page long then put the same name on each page.
- 63 -
To print the form letters from the "Letters" form your
procedure must now have an input screen which looks up the name
of the letter to be printed.
declare output fields
addr.name : addr.street : addr.town :addr.salutation
date :letters.block1 :letters.block2 :letters.block3
declare variables
page as number
date = datetext(system date)
for addr
page = 0
for letters with name = input.name
page = page + 1
if page = 1 then print list items
if page > 1 then print extra
page feed
The output format is similar to that shown on the previous page
but the text in the .list items section is replaced by the text
block fields Letters.block1 ,letters.block2 and letters.block3
and an additional section .extra is added which has the same
text block fields but no address or salutation.
- 64 -
If you define a field with the type "formatted text" a window
opens up in which you enter the formatting characters. The
characters which are to be entered by the user are shown as
question marks. Any other characters which you enter become
permanent fixtures in the field. The "formatted text" field can
be up to twenty characters long and can be used for dates,
national insurance numbers etc.
Formatted text fields should not be derived.
- 65 -
In many instances, an application will use the same default
values in many procedures and field derivations. If you
"hardwire" these as constants into your procedures and code
then they will all have to be changed when the default value
Easy Base is supplied with a single global defaults form for
VAT rates but you can create your own for any particular
For instance, should you write a payroll system you would wish
to be able to update the tax rates and bands globally
throughout your application when they change.
To do this, create a form to hold all the global defaults. In
addition to the default fields add a single character text
field derived "X" and index it. You then enter a single record
with all the default values. The "X" field is there to create
an artificial relationship between any input screen and the
defaults form in order to lookup defaults.
Wherever you need one or more global defaults in an input
screen you simply add an invisible "x" field and enter a
relationship between the procedure and the defaults form
linking the "x" fields.
The field "Tax" can now be derived:-
taxablepay * lookup(defaults,taxrate)
Similarly, you can pre load variables in procedure code for the
default values:-
Declare variables
Taxrate1 as number:Taxrate2 as number
Taxband1 as number:Taxband2 as number
for defaults
Taxrate1 = defaults.taxrate1 :Taxrate2 = defaults.taxrate2
Taxband1 = defaults.taxband1 :Taxband2 = defaults.taxband2
When the taxrates change you only have to alter them once in
the Defaults form.
- 66 -
The variables you create in Easy Base procedures are local
variables - they cease to exist when the procedure ends. So
that you can pass messages between procedures Easy base
provides a single global variable "Global Number". Once you
allocate a value to "Global Number" that value remains
unchanged (even if your computer has been turned off) until you
allocate another value to it. You can of course pass many
messages between procedures simply by entering records in forms
and re-reading them but using "Global Number" is much quicker.
The following example uses "Global Number" to make access to a
user menu restricted by password.
Two procedures are defined. The first, "getpassword" has a
password field on its input screen and the following code:-
if input.password = "gingerbread" then
global number = 1
global number = 0
end if
The second procedure "checkpassword" has the following code:-
if global number <> 1 then exit batch menu
global number = 0
The open access menu system has an item for the restricted menu
but instead of calling it direct it calls the menu "Password"
which is a batch execute menu with the items
run procedure ---- getpassword
run procedure ---- checkpassword
user menu ---- restricted
If the password "gingerbread" has not been entered in the
"getpassword" input screen then "checkpassword" will return
control to the original menu.
- 67 -
In an Easy Base form or procedure input screen the cursor moves
from field to field in the default order top left to bottom
right when you press the Return key. You can alter this default
order by deriving any field with "Goto (fieldname) next". If
the field from which you wish to redirect the cursor already
has a derivation formula you simply add the "Goto - Next" as a
goto price next
goto item next default(lookup(stock,name))
Cursor redirection with the "Goto - next" derivation only
occurs when the Return key is pressed it is not activated if
you move the cursor with the directional arrow keys.
Note: You can only have one prefix on any one field derivation.
- 68 -
This function returns the hour ( 1 to 23) of the time parameter
Ex. Hour(system time)
Labourcharge = (hours(endtime)-hours(starttime))* rate
Acceptable parameters:
System time
Time field
Maketime function
Time expression
- 69 -
Ex. if(num >= 0,"Positive","negative")
The first parameter of the "if" function is an expression, the
second is the value to be returned if the expression is true
and the third is the value to be returned if the expression is
If the third parameter is omitted and the expression is false
then the field or variable retains any value it had before the
function was called.
The "if" function can be extended to a full "case" function
simply by adding more expressions and return values.
Ex. if(num > 0,"Positive",num = 0,"Zero","Negative")
There is no limit to the number of expressions and return
values. If more than one expression is true the value returned
is that for the first true expression. If none are true then
the trailing value is returned as the "case else".
Acceptable Parameters:
Numeric expressions
Quoted text
Fields and variables
Other nested functions
System Values
- 70 -
Easy Base recognizes the following "If Then Else"
1. if (condition) then (action)
2. if (condition) then (action) else (action)
3. if (condition) then
end if
4. if (condition) then
end if
If then constructions can be nested to any depth.
if (condition) and (condition) then
if (condition) or (condition) then
if (condition) eqv (condition) then (action)
end if
if (condition) then (action)
end if
Easy base does not interpret "Else if" constructions.
Easy base does not interpret two "if" conditions on one line.
In the above examples "action" applies to any Easy base command
or full "Do Loop" or full "For Next" structure.
You cannot split a "Do Loop" structure and you can only split a
"For Next" structure by a simple "If then" and "End if" with no
"else" command.
Ex. on next page.
- 71 -
In the following example the procedure has an input screen with
a field "type". "type" is a choice field with the choices "In
age order", "In alphabetic order" and "By sex". The procedure
code selects one of three listings from the "Pupils" form by
splitting "For Next" structures by "If Then" structures.
if input.type = "in age order" then
for pupils with age in order
end if
if input.type = "in alphabetic order" then
for pupils with name in order
end if
if input.type = "by sex" then
for pupils with sex in order
end if
print list items
The structure above is the only one in which "For Next"
structures can be split. There must be a separate "If Then"
followed by "End If" for each "For". There must be a "Next for
each "For" and there cannot be an "Else" anywhere in the
- 72 -
When an Easy Base procedure adds, updates or deletes a record
then by default it updates any affected index files. As the
majority of transaction procedures act on a single record this
is the fastest method of processing. It does of course require
that the form is periodically re-packed. If, however, a
procedure is to add, update or delete many records then
updating each affected index file on each iteration of the
"For" loop can be much slower than ignoring the indices during
the loop and re-writing them from scratch afterward.
You can take the "re-write" option by issuing the command
"Index off" before the "For" loop.
index off
for employees
for wagelist new record
wagelist.worksno = employees.worksno
wagelist.taxcode = employees.taxcode
Obviously re-writing an entire index file when only one or two
records are affected would be slower than simply updating the
indices. The actual point at which "Index Off" becomes faster
can only be determined by trial but as a general rule the two
systems take equal time when between 12 and 15 percent of the
records of a file are affected and the advantage of "Index Off"
becomes greater the bigger this percentage.
There is no corresponding "Index On" command. Indexing is
turned back on automatically and the index files are re-written
at the end of the loop to which the command applies. If you
require indexing off during more than one loop you must issue
the command before each.
index off
for invoices with date < makedate(05,04,93)
delete records
index off
for invoices with customer = "john smith"
invoices.customer = "John Smith Ltd"
update record
If you prefix a loop which deletes records from a form then the
form is packed at the end of the loop.
- 73 -
Input Screen Format METHOD Input Screen Format
All form and input screens can be presented either mounted in a
window against a mottled background or exactly as drawn in form
design. The windowing effect is done automatically if you leave
a clear border around all text and fields. If you place fields
or text anywhere against the edge of the screen (even invisible
fields) then the window effect will not be invoked.
If you do not want the window effect but you still wish to
leave a clear border then you should place the invisible text
character (ASCII 255) in the top left hand corner of the
screen to disable it. To produce the invisible character hold
down the Alt Key and type 255 on the numeric keypad.
- 74 -
The "Install Form" utility is accessed from the Utilities menu.
If you wish to include a form in one application which you
designed in another then you cannot simply copy the files to
the new applications directory as there will be no entry in the
"Forms Directory" file.
To install a form from another application - first get the
forms DOS filename from that application then select "Install
Form" from the utilities menu. You will be asked to supply the
forms name and the full path and filename from where it is to
be copied. Easy Base will then copy the forms definition file
and make the appropriate entry in the "Forms Directory". It
will then ask whether or not you wish the data to be copied
from the original application.
If you install a form from another application and it has
"lookup" derivations or Choice List fields then you will have
to create the relationships and choice lists in the new
application. They are not automatically reproduced.
- 75 -
The "Install printer" utility is accessed from the Utilities
menu. It can also be included in a user menu so that end users
of finished applications can install their printer without
access to the system menus.
When you select "Install Printer" you are offered a choice of
ten printer drivers - five for named printers and five generic
drivers. The drivers supplied cover virtually all printers
except daisy wheels.
When you have chosen your printer driver Easy Base then asks
for the parallel port number to which printer output is to be
sent - one or two. Easy Base does not have a built in serial
port printer output. If your printer only has a serial input
then you must redirect a parallel port with the DOS "Mode"
Easy Base then asks how much paper wastage there is at the top
of the page. This is quite important as it is used in
conjunction with the paper size in use to determine the
"Bottom Margin" value, used for pagination in printed reports.
You are then asked for the wastage at the left margin. This
information is used in the format editor to display the right
edge of the paper at the different print sizes. There are only
two settings for wastage at the left margin - zero and ¼ inch.
If you have a cartridge fed printer such as a Laser or Bubble
Jet then it will almost certainly be ¼ inch. If you have a
traction or manual feed then you will be able to adjust the
left margin and you should set it to zero.
Finally you are asked for the top margin required in printed
reports. This can only be between the value set as the printers
inherent wastage and one inch. The value you set here will be
the default top margin for all printouts. If you need a larger
top margin for certain printouts then you must include blank
lines in the page header of the procedures output format.
- 76 -
The "Install procedure" utility is accessed from the
Utilities menu and allows you to install procedures which you
designed in another application. It is used exactly like the
"Install Form" utility previously described.
- 77 -
Integer fields can have up to 14 digits and use a comma as the
thousands separator.
Although integer fields display integers they store the result
of any division correct to 15 significant figures.
See - Operators Arithmetic
- 78 -
This function returns the starting character number of one
length of text within another.
Ex. Intext(companyname," and ")
< Returns 7 if companyname = "Turner and Smith"
The intext function returns 0 if the second parameter is not
found in the first.
If intext(customers.companyname," Ltd") <> 0 then
customers.Ltd = "yes"
update record
end if
Acceptable parameters:
Text field/variable
Any function returning a text value
- 79 -
Ex. Jointext(forename,surname)
The jointext function takes any number of parameters.
Ex. Jointext("Mr ",forename," ",surname," Esq.")
Ex. Jointext(if(sex=male,"Mr ","Ms "),surname)
The "jointext" function will also perform any arithmetic
operations required for a text output.
Ex. Jointext("The Gross price is ",netprice *120/100)
The "jointext" function is also used for creating compound
index fields.
Ex. Jointext(reverse(zeropad(price,4,2)),stockitem)
This creates a field whose index allows a stock file to be
listed with stockitem in alphabetical order but grouped by
price in reverse order.
If you "Jointext" a date or time field you will get the date or
time's numeric value not the date or time's string
representation. (See Compound Index)
By default the "Jointext" function strips trailing blank space
characters from the texts being joined. If you wish to join
text in a Text Block field so that the second text starts on a
new line then you can force this by including Chr$(13) which
Easy base uses as a "New Line" flag.
<The text from block2 will start on a new line>
<There will be a blank line between block1 and block2>
Acceptable Parameters:
Numeric expressions
Quoted text
Fields and variables
Other nested functions
System Values
- 80 -
This function returns a specified number of characters from the
start of a field or variable.
Ex. Lefttext(salutation,2)
< returns "Mr" from "Mr Smith" or "Ms" from "Ms Smith"
Ex. Lefttext(datetext(system date),4)
< Returns 12th , 20th Etc.> (European date format)
Acceptable parameters:
Text field/variable
Any function returning a text value
- 81 -
This function returns the length of text in a field or variable
Ex. lengthtext(name)
< Returns 4 if name = "Bill" 10 if name = "Bill Smith"
Acceptable parameters:
Text field/variable
Any function returning a text value
- 82 -
Procedures in one directory can access forms in another
directory or disk by placing the external forms path in
brackets immediately after the form name at the start of a For
For payroll (c:\pay) with posted = "No"
for purchaseledger new record
copy all from payroll
payroll.posted = "Yes"
update record
The above procedure, in an accounts application, imports data
from a payroll application in C:\PAY and updates the "Posted"
field in the payroll application.
for sales (A:\) alias import
for sales new record
copy all from import
The above procedure is used to import data transferred from one
machine to another on floppy disk.
1. If transferring data on floppy disk the floppy must hold
the forms .DAT and .DEF files together with the BASE.DIR from
the source application. If you need to move large amounts of
data on floppy it is much quicker to simply overwrite an import
forms .DAT file and then pack it to rewrite the indices.
- 83 -
When you give a name to a Form or Procedure in Easy Base it is
not the actual DOS file name used. A Form has separate DOS
files for its definition, its data and its indices. Similarly a
procedure can have one or two files depending on whether or not
it has an input screen. Within an application you never need to
know the DOS filenames as Easy Base takes care of all disk
activity in the background.
You may however need to know the DOS filenames if you intend to
export data to another program or copy a Form or Procedure from
one application to another.
You can list the DOS filenames for Forms and reports with the
"List File Names" utility.
The "List File Names" utility can also be called from a user
menu without accessing the system.
- 84 -
The "List Variables" command is a de-bugging facility for
developers. If a procedure is not producing the expected
results you can interrupt it at any point and view the contents
of all fields and variables in memory at that point.
for authors with surname in order
if authors.surname = "kippling" then list variables
for books with author = authors.surname
print list items
- 85 -
Ex. Lookup(customers,name)
The first parameter is the name of a relationship defined in
the relationships form. The second parameter is the name of the
field in the secondary file whose value is to be looked up. The
parameters are absolute. You cannot supply them as variables
fields or the results of other functions.
Unlike other functions, "lookup" can only be used in a field
derivation, entry conditions and mandatory conditions. It has
no meaning in the procedure language.
A full description of how to use the Lookup function is given
in the users manual
Acceptable parameters
1. Relationship name
2. Field Name
- 86 -
Returns the lower case of the parameter.
Ex. lower(partname)
Heading = Jointext("List of parts supplied by ",lower(makers.
Acceptable parameters:
Quoted text
Text Field/variable
- 87 -
The Easy base Date field is a six digit field which covers the
century from 1 Jan 1981 to 31 Dec 2080 and upon which you can
perform addition and subtraction operations in days.
Ex. Duedate = Invoicedate + 30
In order to provide this facility the date is held as a numeric
value. You can only type a date directly into a date field.
If you need to enter a date in a derivation or in a procedure
code you must use the "makedate" function.
Ex. Makedate(5,11,95)
< Returns 05/11/95 >
Ex. Nextmonth = month(system date)+1
if nextmonth = 13 then nextmonth = 1
Nextdelivery = makedate(1,nextmonth,year(system date))
< Returns the date of the first of next month >
Acceptable parameters
Numeric value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any other function which returns a numeric value
- 88 -
The value of a time field in Easy base is held as a numeric
value representing the number of seconds past midnight. This
allows you to perform addition and subtraction operations in
Ex. Timetaken = Round(Endtime - Starttime / 60)
< This returns the time taken in minutes >
You can only enter a time directly into a time field.
If you need to enter a time in a field derivation or in a
procedure code you must use the "Maketime" function.
Ex. Time = Maketime(20,20,00)
< returns 20:20:00 >
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any other function which returns a numeric value
- 89 -
Manual Feed Procedure Command Manual Feed
When you set the paper type in use from the utilities menu, you
tell Easy Base whether you have a manual or continuous feed
printer. This is then used throughout all procedures.
If your printer has a continuous feed but a particular
procedure requires manual eg label or envelope printing you can
force Easy Base to pause after each page without changing the
default by issuing the Manual Feed command within the procedure
Declare output fields
mail.name :mail.address
manual feed
for mail
print envelope
- 90 -
The following maths functions can be used anywhere in Easy Base
code or field derivations.
Deg-rad() converts degrees to radians
Rad-deg() converts radians to degrees
Exp() Raises e (the base of natural logarithms) to the
power of the parameter
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any function returning a numeric value
- 91 -
Because the procedures you create in Easy Base have to be
interpreted each time they are run they will tend to be slower
than similar routines created in a compiled system. This is the
unavoidable cost of ease of use. You can increase speed vastly
by having the best DOS environment and by the way in which you
write procedure code.
DOS Environment.
1. Do not use a disk compression system.
2. Always load "Fastopen" - The default settings are fine -
just add the line "fastopen C:" to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
3. Use a Disk Cacheing system - The more memory you can
allocate to it the better. Easy Software recommends
PC-Cache from Centre Point with 2 Megabytes of expanded
memory allocated. Smartdrive (Version supplied with
Windows 3.1) was slightly faster but caused widespread
disk corruptions during test "Power Failures".
4. Do not run any TSR programs (Especially Virus Checkers).
Procedure Code.
Avoid making calculations and derivations within "For" loops in
If, for example, you had a form in which was recorded the
length, breadth and depth of various blocks and you knew that
at some point you would write a procedure which listed their
volume. Add a field for volume to the form and derive it from
the other fields. When you write the procedure you will simply
list this field. If the field had not been added to the form
then you would have to calculate its value on each iteration of
the "For" loop.
The time taken to derive each individual "Volume" field during
record entry will not be noticeable but the time taken to
derive the volume for every record during the procedure will.
Keep "Running statistics". If your program requires statistics
derived from many hundreds or even thousands of records then
having to wait for a procedure which calculates them each time
you want up to date figures is a real pain.
To keep "running statistics" create a form with a field for
each statistic you require and enter a single record with zero
values in each field. Make all entries, modifications and
deletions to your data via procedures and you can update your
statistics each time a record is added, modified or deleted.
Example on next page.
- 92 -
The following procedure code enters a record (collected via the
input screen) to a purchases ledger and updates statistics used
in the profit and loss account. It also updates the balance for
the suppliers account.
pause off : Escape off
for purchases new record
copy all from input
for stats
if input.type = "Invoice" then
stats.creditors = stats.creditors + input.amount
end if
if input.type = "CreditNote" then
stats.creditors = stats.creditors - input.amount
end if
if input.type = "Payment" then
stats.creditors = stats.creditors - input.amount
if input.paidby = "cash" then
stats.cashbalance = stats.cashbalance - input.amount
stats.bankbalance = stats.bankbalance - input.amount
end if
end if
for ACbalances with supplier = input supplier
if input.type = "Invoice" then
ACbalances.balance = ACbalances.balance + input.amount
ACbalances.balance = ACbalances.balance - input.amount
end if
Whenever you need to know statistics for "Debtors", "Cash
Balance" etc you can produce them instantly with a procedure
which simply lists data from the statistics forms.
Whenever you use running statistics in this way you should also
create a procedure which does calculate them from the raw data.
If you ever, for one reason or another, have to edit data
directly in "Data entry" then your "running statistics" will no
longer be accurate. You can run this procedure to correct them.
- 93 -
In addition to the utilities which can be called from user
menus the following calls can also be made.
Run Procedure : Runs a pre-defined procedure
Last Output : Recalls the output from a procedure
Data Entry : Allows direct access to a form
User Menu : Calls another user menu
System Menus : Calls the Easy Base System menus
Run external program : Shells to another program - You cannot
run another major program from within Easy Base - there is very
little spare memory - this call is however useful for calling
batch files which export data to other programs for later use.
- 94 -
This function returns a given number of characters from a given
starting point in a field or variable.
Ex. Midtext(fileref,4,4)
< Returns "Bill" from "TR/Bill/1243"
Acceptable parameters:
Text field/variable
Any function returning a text value
- 95 -
This function returns the minutes number from the time field
Ex. minutes(system time)
Unitsperhour = rounddown(60/(minutes(endtime)-
Acceptable parameters:
System time
Time field
Maketime function
Time expression
- 96 -
The Mod function returns the remainder of an integer division
Ex. surplus rounds = mod(bullets,soldiers * ammoissue)
for Historydates
historydates.leapyear = "No"
if mod(historydates.year,4) = 0 then
historydates.leapyear = "Yes"
update record
end if
< This example fills a new field "leapyear" which has been
added to the "Historydates" form after data has been entered>
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any other function which returns a numeric value
- 97 -
This function returns the month number from a date parameter.
Ex. Month(system date)
Ex. Month(birthdate)
Acceptable parameters
System date
Date field
Makedate function
Date expression
- 98 -
You may occasionally need to list data in order but in more
than one column. Indexes for technical manuals are a common
example. It would be nice if you could send the printer head
back to the top of the page for each column but you can't. You
must therefore get all the data for each horizontal line into
memory at the same time and then print it.
The following example prints the "Title" field from a "Films"
form in alphabetic order in two columns with fifty lines on
each page. To do this a field "No" is added to the form. This
is an integer field and it is indexed.
declare output fields
films.title : righttitle
declare variables
x as number : y as number : lasttitle as text
'................UPDATE THE No FIELD......
for films with title in order
y = total records
x = x + 1
display status "Updating No field record" + x + "of" + y
films.No = x
update record
'.................PRINT IN TWO COLUMNS.................
x = 0 'reuse x as counter
for films with title > lasttitle
x = x + 1
for films alias col2 with No = films.No + 50
righttitle = col2.title
print list items
lasttitle = righttitle : righttitle = blank
if mod(x,50) = 0 then
page feed : Exit for
end if
if lasttitle = blank then exit do
.list items
{ Films.title field } { Righttitle Field }
- 99 -
You can place multiple code instructions on a single line of
the code editor by separating them with a colon.
for ledger with lineno = input.lineno
ledger.net = input.net:ledger.vat = input.vat
ledger.acno = input.acno:ledger.gross = input.gross
update record
- 100 -
Next Batch Procedure Command Next Batch
The Next Batch command resets the batch menu pointer from
within a procedure. By using the Next Batch command you can
cause a batch of procedures to repeat without returning to the
menu in the same way that you can repeat a single procedure
with an input screen.
For example, in a variable length invoicing system you might
have three procedures on a batch menu. The first procedure
selects the current customer and invoice number, the second
writes invoice lines to the lineitems form and the third prints
the invoice. To have the entire process repeated after each
invoice the last line of the last procedure should be:
Next Batch 1
Similarly, if the user inadvertently selects the wrong customer
in the first procedure you can use an input screen field in the
second to return to the first.
If input.reselect = "yes" then Next Batch 1
By using Next Batch and Global Number you can create a batch
menu which reacts like a single procedure repeating until the
Escape key is pressed.
To exit from a batch of procedures on the escape key, set
Global Number to 1 in the first procedure and to 0 in the last.
Add a procedure immediately after the first with the code:-
If Global Number = 0 then exit batch menu
- 101 -
If you want to print procedure output on both sides of the
paper then, unless you have a VERY expensive printer, the only
way to achieve this is to print the odd pages, turn your paper
over and print the even pages. For a short report you can do
this by setting paper feed to "Manual" from the utilities menu
and turning each sheet over individually. If, however, you have
a cut sheet feeder or a cartridge fed printer it is much
quicker to print all the odd pages, turn them all over and then
print all the even pages.
To do this in Easy Base, issue the command "Odd Page Print"
immediately before the print output and "Even Page Print"
immediately after it.
declare output fields
customers.name : customers.phone
odd page print
for customers with surname in order
if bottom margin < .75 then page feed
print list items
even page print '(Easy Base pauses here till you are ready)
If you will be binding your printed report down the left hand
edge then you will need a larger left margin on the odd pages
than on the even. If you start odd page printing with the
command "Odd Page Print for Binding" then Easy Base will add
half an inch to the format left margin when it prints the odd
pages. You cannot alter the fixed value of half an inch but if
you create your output format with a left margin of half an
inch(suitable for the even pages) and print for binding, you
will find that the resulting output suits most office binding
If you use Odd/Even page printing then it is important that you
realize it is achieved by running the portion of your procedure
between the "Odd Page Print" and "Even Page Print" twice -
simply cancelling output to the printer at the appropriate
times. You must not, therefore include any commands which add,
update or delete records between the commands. If you do they
will be performed twice. Similarly if you are running a loop
counter during the print process then it will have double the
expected value after the "Even Page Print" command.
The system value "Page Number" is reset to one at the "Even
Page Print" command. If you include two separate sets of odd
and even printing in a single procedure then you cannot use
"Page Number" to number the second printout. You can of course
use an ad hoc field. Just remember to reset it to one
immediately before the "Even Page Print" command.
- 102 -
This document was written in an Easy Base form "Ref" which has
fields "Name", "Type", "Pageno" "Topicpage" and three text
block fields "T1", "T2" and "T3". Each record holds one page of
the reference manual and the pages were entered in no
particular order. The following procedure was used to number,
sort, index and print the manual.
declare output fields
ref.name : ref.type :ref.pageno
ref.t1 : ref.t2 : ref.t3 : type : name
declare variables
x as number : y as number
namelen as number : typelen as number
'.....................NUMBER REFERENCE PAGES....
for ref with name in order
y = total records
x = x + 1
display status "Numbering page" + x + "of" + y
ref.pageno = x : update record
odd page print for binding
'...............PRINT COMMANDS INDEX........
bold on : print commandheader : bold off
for ref with type = "procedure command"
subindex name
for ref with subindex in order
if topicpage > 1 then skiprec 'only first page
ref.name = proper(ref.name) 'of each topic listed
print commands
bold on : print valuesheader : bold off
for ref with type = "system value"
subindex name
for ref with subindex in order
if topicpage > 1 then skiprec
ref.name = proper(ref.name)
print values
page feed '... eject first index page
'......... subsequent index pages are produced with exactly
'........ the sane code as above and are omitted for clarity.
'......................MAIN REFERENCE.............
page feed
for ref with name in order
namelen = lengthtext(ref.name)
- 103 -
typelen = lengthtext(ref.type)
'....centre justify type
type = jointext(stringof((20-typelen)/2,chr$(255)),ref.type)
'....right justify name
name = jointext(stringof(20-namelen,chr$(255)),ref.name)
bold on : print refheader : bold off 'type and names fields
print list items 't1, t2, t3
bold on print reffoot 'pageno
page feed
even page print
- 104 -
Open File Command Open
The "Open" command is used to open a non-Easy Base file.
The filename can be supplied within quotes or as a text
variable or field.
The filename can include a complete path. If a path is not
included then the file is opened in the Easy Base System
If the filename supplied is that of an existing file, that file
is opened for access with the Read or Write commands. If there
is no file with the supplied filename then a new file with that
name is created and opened.
Open "C:\config.sys"
Open Files.name
Open jointext("C:\wp\",input.filename)
See also: Close, Seek, Read, Write, Find, Erase
- 105 -
The arithmetic operators used in Easy Base are:-
+ (addition)
- (subtraction and negation)
* (multiplication)
/ (division)
^ (exponentiation)
Where there are multiple operators in a derivation they are
processed with the following precedence:-
1. Exponentiation
2. Negation
3. Multiplication and Division
4. Addition and Subtraction
The default precedence can be altered by the use of
Easy base does not perform Integer Arithmetic.
When a numeric field shows the result of a division the
"displayed" number is "truncated" to an integer in Integer
fields and has the last digit rounded in Fixed Point and
Floating Point fields. The "Stored" value which is used in any
further calculations, however, is always correct to 15
significant figures irrelevant of field type. For Example: If
three fields x,y and z are defined as integers, y is derived as
x/4 and z is derived as y*4 then when 9 is entered in x, y will
derive as 2 but z will derive as 9 because it multiplies the
"stored value" of 2.25 by 4 not the displayed value of 2.
Handling arithmetic in this way means that, by default there
are no rounding errors. This has several advantages not least
that currency values need only ever be defined to two decimal
It does mean, however, that should you require rounding errors
to be carried forward you must use one of the Easy Base
rounding functions on the result of any intermediate division.
In the above example, had y been derived as "round(x/4)" then z
would derive as 8.
If a fourth field had the formula:- if(y = 2,5,10) it would
only derive as 5 if y had been rounded or if 8 had been entered
in x.
- 106 -
Easy base uses the following relational operators:-
= (equals)
<> (not equals)
> (greater than)
< (less than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
<= (less than or equal to)
Where relational operators and arithmetic operators are both
used in a derivation. Relational operations are performed after
arithmetic operations.
Text values are not case sensitive when compared with
relational operators.
When you compare two fields or variables, the comparison is
numeric if both are numeric and alphabetic if both are
alphabetic. If you compare a numeric field with a text field
then Easy Base will test to see if the text field contains a
number. If it does then the comparison will be numeric and if
it does not then the comparison will be alphabetic.
If you compare the result of a division in an integer or fixed
point field using the = or the <> operators, then the value
used for comparison will be the (accurate) stored value and not
the "Truncated" number shown in the field.
See Operators Arithmetic
- 107 -
Easy Base uses the following logical operators:-
1. and
2. or
3. xor (or exclusive)
4. eqv (equivalence)
5. imp (implication)
Logical operations are performed last after arithmetic and
Logical operators return a boolean (true or false) value from
two other boolean expressions.
If(x = y and a = b,"Yes","No")
< Yes is returned if both expressions are true >
If(x = y or a = b,"Yes","No")
< Yes is returned if either or both expressions are true >
If(x = y xor a = b,"Yes","No")
< Yes is returned if either one but not both are true >
If(x = y eqv a = b,"Yes","No")
< Yes is returned if both expressions are true or if both
expressions are false >
If(x = y imp a = b,"Yes","No")
< Yes is returned for all combinations except the first
expression being true and the second false >
The Easy Base logical operators are primarily designed for use
within the "If" function and in "If..Then..Else" constructions
where their actual value is not relevant. If you wish to use
the value of "false" in formulae then it is represented by 0.
True can be represented by any value other than 0 and should
not be used.
- 108 -
The "Options" utility allows you to select your preferred date
format (European or North American).
You can also enable or disable screen saving. If enabled the
screen saver operates after three minutes without a keypress
during record entry, procedure screen entry or if a menu is
being displayed. The screensaver is never invoked while a
procedure is running or while reformatting or re-indexing is
taking place.
The third option allows you to select the border style you
require around menus and message boxes.
Option four selects whether or not screen clearing will be done
with the curtain effect.
Option five selects the COM port which will be used during
The options utility can be called as a user menu function so
that an end user can access the facilities without access to
the system menus.
- 109 -
When a user runs a procedure his choice of output, screen,
printer or disk is stored in the system value "Output".
By accessing the system value "Output" you can make your
procedure do different things depending on where the output is
to be sent.
if output = "screen" then
print heading1
print heading2
end if
- 110 -
The process of actually removing a deleted record from a form
is time consuming. What actually happens is that all the "Live"
records are copied to a temporary file. The original file is
then deleted and the temporary one re-named to the original
name. Because of this it is actually quicker to remove fifty
"Dead" records than it is to remove one. To save you time Easy
base follows the traditional data-base custom of simply marking
records for deletion when you delete them. They are only
physically removed from the form during a "Pack" operation.
When you "Pack" a data file Easy Base also re-writes all the
index files for that form. You can pack individual forms with
the "Pack Data Forms" utility accessed from the Utilities menu.
You can also call the "Pack Data Forms" utility as a User menu
function. In a finished application any necessary packing would
normally be done from a batch execute menu which would run
while the computer was unattended.
Forms in which records are regularly deleted should be packed
regularly. If packing is not done then not only will you be
wasting disk space but search operations will become
progressively slower as the percentage of "Dead" records
This is fairly obvious - however it is not so obvious that a
forms index files can accumulate "Dead" records even though
none have been deleted from the main file. An index file is
simply the indexed fields contents and record number arranged
in order. If, having filed a record you then alter the contents
of an indexed field and update the record then the original
record in the index file is deleted and a new one entered.
Index files with "Dead records" also waste disk space and slow
search operations. You should therefore regularly pack any
forms which are regularly updated.
If you are unsure which forms need to be packed you can use the
"Auto-Pack" utility which tests each form and each forms index
files for "Dead" records. The form is packed if it or any of
its index files is found to have more then 100 total or 10 per
cent "Dead" records.
Although "Auto-Pack" may seem the easy answer, an application
will almost certainly have several forms with "Core" data which
remain unchanged and therefore never require packing. If you
can identify the forms which do need to be packed and do them
individually or from a batch execute menu this will be less
time consuming than always using the "Auto-Pack" facility.
- 111 -
Whenever Easy Base is processing a procedure with an output it
keeps track of the current page number (Even if you have not
included Page Feed commands). You can use the system value
"Page Number" to number the pages of your output. To use the
"Page Number" value just include "Page Number" in your output
field declarations.
Declare output fields
Customers.name : Customers.ACNO : Page Number
You can then use the "Page Number" field in the Page Header or
Page Footer section of your output format.
- 112 -
When an Easy Base procedure has an output to the screen, the
output, by default scrolls continuously until the procedure is
complete. You can allow the user to pause the output with the
"Pause On" command.
If a procedure performs several tasks then the pause facility
can be selectively enabled and disabled at any point.
for employees alias types with type in order unique
pause off:escape off
for employees alias group with type = types.type
subindex surname
pause on
for employees with subindex in order
print list items
The above code fragment prints employees details in type groups
with surname in alphabetic order. During the procedure the user
can pause the report while it is listing the output but not
while it is subindexing the group.
- 113 -
You can use the value of π anywhere in field derivations or
procedure code by quoting "Pi".
Ex circlearea = Pi / 4 diam^2
- 114 -
The "Preselect" command sets highlighting of the next user menu
when the procedure terminates. If a procedure is normally
followed by a particular selection from the menu then you can
save the user the trouble of choosing it by issuing the
"Preselect" command within the procedure.
for currentcustomer
currentcustomer.acno = input.acno
update record
preselect 4
The parameter cannot be supplied as a variable.
- 115 -
In Easy Base procedures, all output to the screen or printer is
initiated with the "Print" command. The "Print" command prints
sections from the procedures output format.
'......................procedure code....
Print report header
for customers
print list items
print report footer
'......................Output Format.......
.Report Header
Customer List
.List Items
{customers.name field} {customers.phone field}
.Report Footer
The format sections are marked with a full stop in the margin
followed by the section name. When you type a full stop in the
margin of the "Format editor" Easy Base will offer you a
selection of section names. You do not have to use these - they
are just some common names that can save you time. To enter
your own section names just press escape and type in any name
you wish.
The ".end" section is not strictly necessary but it is easy to
accidentally insert blank lines at the end of your format. By
inserting ".end" at the end of the last section you will
prevent these from being printed.
- 116 -
When you send a procedure output to the printer Easy Base will
initialize your printer at ten characters per inch, six lines
per inch in draft mode.
You can alter the printer mode anywhere within a procedure with
the following printer controls.
Bold On Bold Off
Underline On Underline Off (Underlines field contents)
Italic On Italic Off
8 lpi Sets printing to eight lines per inch
6 lpi Sets printing to six lines per inch
10 cpi Sets printing to ten characters per inch
12 cpi Sets printing to twelve characters per inch
17 cpi sets printing to either 15 or 17 depending on
Line Feed Advances the print head one line
Page Feed Ejects the current page.
Bold on
Print report header
Bold Off
12 CPI
For customers
print list items
if bottom margin < 1.5 then
Line feed : Bold On : 10 CPI
Print Page footer
Page feed
Print Page header
Bold Off : 12 CPI
end if
Bold on:Italic On :10 CPI
print report footer
The above example turns Near Letter Quality printing on for the
entire report. It prints page headers and footers in bold at 10
characters per inch, list items at 12 characters per inch and
the report footer in bold italics.
- 117 -
Prog_Dir System Value Prog_Dir
Whenever you run a procedure in Easy Base the drive and
directory of the program files is available in the system value
If you write applications for resale on the Easy Base Runtime
module then you will not necessarily know the name of the
directory to which the end user has installed your application.
If your application opens external files you can ensure that
they are in the Application directory by using Prog_Dir.
declare variables
pathfile as text
pathfile = jointext(Prog_Dir,"\NAMES.TXT")
open pathfile
- 118 -
This function returns the parameter with the first letter of
each word in upper case and the rest in lower case. If you wish
to enter initials in a field derived as proper and keep them in
upper case then there must either be a space or a full stop
between them.
Ex. Proper(Address)
labelname = upper(company.name)
insetname = proper(company.name)
Acceptable parameters:
Quoted text
Text field/variable
- 119 -
If, for a procedure you have to collect many items of data via
an input screen, then presenting all the fields and their
labels at once can be confusing to an operator. You can start
with an empty screen other than the first field and its prompt
then have each subsequent prompt "Pop up" when the previous
field has been filled.
To do this you make all your input fields without a background
(Text, Alt1 or Alt2) and you create fields for the prompts
which have no user entry and also show no background.
To collect data for paymethod, customer, and amount lay out the
following fields:-
Enter Method of payment.... { Paymethod Field }
{ Pop1 Field } { Customer Field }
{ Pop2 Field } { Amount Field }
The "Pop1" field is derived:-
If(Pop1 = blank and paymethod = blank,blank,"Enter Customers
and the "Pop2" field is derived:-
If(Pop2 = blank and customer = blank,blank,"Enter Amount...
- 120 -
This function returns a random number between the upper and
lower parameters.
Ex. Random(1,100)
<Returns a random number between 1 and 100>
Ex. The two fields No and card simulate the random cutting of
a deck of cards each time the No field is cleared.
No field derivation:-
if(no <> blank,no,random(1,52))
Card field derivation:-
jointext(if(mod(no,13) = 1,"Ace",mod(no,13) = 0,"King",
mod(no,13) = 12,"Queen",mod(no,13) = 11,"Jack",mod(no,13)),
" of ",if(no < 14,"Hearts",no < 27 ,"Clubs",no <40,"Diamonds",
Acceptable parameters
Numeric Value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any other function which returns a numeric value
- 121 -
Read File Command Read
The "Read" command reads data from a non Easy Base file which
has been opened with the "Open" command.
The syntax is:
Read (Length) to (Field or variable)
Length can be absolute, a variable or field or the keyword
Read 45 to Keyvar
Read GetLen to customers.name
Read Line to Linestring
In the "Line" example Easy Base reads from the current File_pos
to the end of the current ASCII line.
See also: Open, Close, Seek, Write, Find, Erase
- 122 -
In Easy Base, all DOS file handling is taken care of for you in
the background. To do this Easy Base maintains three
"Directory" files in which the names which you give to forms,
procedures and choice field lists are linked to the actual DOS
The three files are :-
BASE.DIR The forms directory
PROC.DIR The procedures directory
CHOICES.DIR The choice list directory
Because these are key files, Easy Base includes a utility which
will rebuild them in the event of accidental erasure or
- 123 -
If you derive a field with the formula "record number" it will
be filled with the record number at the time of filing or
reformatting. Record number differs from "sequence" in the
following way. Each time you derive a field with "sequence" you
get the next sequencial number irrespective of whether the form
has had records deleted and has been repacked. If a file has
had at some time 500 records but now only has 20 the next
derivation of "sequence" will be 501 and the next derivation of
"record number" will be 21.
The main use of "record number" is to renumber a set of records
after deletions. To do this just add a new field to the form
derived as record number. The field will be filled
automatically during the data reformatting process.
Record Number has no meaning in procedure code.
See Also:- Current Record Number
- 124 -
You can place remarks anywhere within Easy base procedure code
by prefixing them with an apostrophe.
'.................This entire line is a remark.....
for pupils with age > 9
if grade = "g" then skip record 'exclude g's from count
count = count + 1 'These are remarks
All text to the right of the apostrophe is ignored at run time.
- 125 -
Easy Base will restore applications or data which it has backed
up. You can only restore an application with the "Restore
Application" utility called from the utilities menu and you can
only restore data-only backups with the "Restore Data" utility
called from a user menu.
See Also:- Backup
- 126 -
The retail function returns the retail price given the
wholesale price and the discount as a percentage of retail.
Ex Retail(cost,discount)
< returns 125 if cost = 100 and discount = 20>
- 127 -
In Easy Base, fields are derived when a new record is started
and when any other field which affects the derivation is
changed. You can force a field to be rederived when F2 is
pressed by prefixing the derivation with "retest".
Suppose you have a field "degrees" in which the user must enter
a number between 1 and 360.
To prevent him entering an out of range number you could derive
the field :-
If(degrees<1 or degrees > 360,blank[beepInvalid number of
degreesCursor degrees],degrees)
The above derivation would prevent the user from filing a
record with an out of range number. However, by the time he
read the message, his entry would be blanked out. It would be
better if the number he had typed could be left in the field so
that he could see his error. To do this all you have to do is
change "blank" to "degrees" in the above derivation.
This however would allow the user ( Should he decide to ignore
the message ) to then file the incorrect value. To leave the
value in the field and still prevent the user from filing it,
use the "retest" prefix.
Retest If(degrees<1 or degrees > 360,degrees[beepInvalid number
of degreesCursor degrees],degrees)
1. You can only have one prefix on any one field derivation.
- 128 -
The reverse function is used in the creation of compound index
fields. What it actually does is alter the characters of the
parameter in such a way that an alphabetic listing of a field
after reversal will have the reverse order to that of the
original characters before using the reverse function.
In the example shown for the function "zeropad", had you wished
to list the pupils in descending age order there would be no
point in using the procedure code:
for pupils with unifield in reverse order
as this would not only reverse the age grouping but would also
reverse the name order.
To produce the desired printout use exactly the same procedure
but derive "unifield" as:-
- 129 -
This function returns a specified number of characters from the
end of a field or variable.
Ex Righttext(name,10)
Ex. Righttext(datetext(system date),4)
< returns 1993 , 1994 Etc.>
Acceptable parameters:
Text field/variable
Any function returning a text value
- 130 -
There are three rounding functions in Easy base:-
If a rounding function is called with a single parameter then
the return value is the parameter rounded to the nearest
integer value.
Ex. Round(items/reps)
< if items = 9 and reps = 4. 2 is returned >
All rounding functions accept a second parameter indicating the
number of decimal places (or powers of 10 if negative) to round
Ex. Rounddown(vaton(net),2)
< Rounds down the VAT on field "net" to the nearest penny.
Ex. Jointext(roundup(if(mod(years,100) = 0,years+1,years),-2
)/100,"th Century")
< Returns "20th Century" for all values of years 1900-1999 >
Round Produces a default rounding system in which:-
2.4 rounds to 2
2.5 rounds to 3
-2.4 rounds to -2
-2.5 rounds to -3
In the Roundup and Rounddown functions the direction is sign
2.5 roundsup to 3 2.5 roundsdown to 2
-2.5 roundsup to -2 -2.5 roundsdown to -3
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value
Numeric expression
Numeric field/variable
Any other function which returns a numeric value
- 131 -
The "run" control is used to initiate procedures with input
screens without the user having to press F2.
Ex. If(lookup(customers,name) = blank,blank,lookup(customers,
In the above example, a procedure which lists customers
accounts has an input screen with a single field where the
customers name is entered. When the user enters a name the
above derivation will test whether or not the entered name is a
customer. If the entered name does not exist in the customers
file the field will be blanked out but if it does then the
procedure will run without the user having to press F2.
- 132 -
If you intend to distribute an application using the Easy Base
Runtime Module, you can have the module start automatically on
a particular user menu by giving that menu the sign on password
Each time the runtime module starts it searches for a menu with
this password. If it finds one, it skips the sign on screen and
starts automatically on this menu.
The "Autostart" password has no significance while developing
in Easy Base. It is treated as any other sign on password.
- 133 -
The "Screen Colours" utility provides 14 pre defined colour
sets including two for "Mono Graphics" cards together with a
user defined setup. To change the colours of your system simply
select "Screen Colours" from the Utilities menu and select the
set you want.
The "Screen Colours" utility can also be called as a User Menu
function allowing an end user to change his screen set from
your menus without accessing the system.
- 134 -
This function returns the seconds number from the time
Ex. seconds(system time)
Acceptable parameters:
System time
Time field
Maketime function
Time expression
- 135 -
Seek File Command Seek
The "Seek" command moves the Read/Write pointer within a non
Easy Base file which has been opened with the "Open" Command.
The actual position of the pointer at any time is available in
the system value File_Pos. The File_Pos value is the pointers
current offset in bytes (Numbering the first byte as 1).
The Seek Command accepts an actual offset, an offset relative
to File_Pos or File_Len or an ASCII line movement.
Seek 245
Seek File_Pos + 35
Seek File_Len - 20
Seek Line_Forward
Seek Line_Back
You cannot combine an ASCII line movement with an offset -
To read ten bytes starting at byte 30 on the next line you need
two Seek commands.
Seek Line_Forward
Seek File_Pos + 29
read 10 to Parts.No
The line movement Line_Forward always positions the pointer at
the start of the next line.
The line movement Line_Back moves the pointer to the start of
the current line if it is not already there and to the start of
the previous line if it is.
Some files (Eg. Email) have a non ASCII header followed by
ASCII lines for the actual message. You can use Seek
Line_Forward within a Do Loop to skip though the non ASCII
part. If Line_Forward does not find a Carriage Return and Line
Feed sequence within 255 bytes then it leaves the file pointer
255 bytes ahead of its last position. There is no corresponding
facility in Line_Back. If Line_Back does not find a line feed
(or Start of File) within 255 bytes then the file pointer does
not move.
See also: Open, Close, Read, Write, Find, Erase
- 136 -
When you create a new form a sequence value is updated each
time a record is entered. The "sequence" value starts at 1 and
continues to 2 billion irrespective of whether or not records
have been deleted from the form. If you derive a field as
"sequence" then each new record will have the next sequenced
number. Sequence derivations are useful for such things as
invoice numbers.
A sequence field need not start at one however.
Ex. sequence + 1000 would number the first record 1001
The sequence value is only available in data entry to a form.
A common problem in data systems is to produce a sequence
number when records are entered to forms via procedures.
To accomplish this define fields to hold the number on both the
form and the procedure input screen. Also define a single
character text field, let's call it x on both. This field can
be invisible. The x field in the form is indexed but not
derived. The x field on the input screen is derived as "x".
A relationship, let's call it "invoice" is entered between the
input screen and the form relating the two "x" fields.
Assuming the fields for the sequence number are called "invno"
the field on the input screen is derived as:-
lookup(invoice,invno)+ 1
To update the x field in the form which is used purely as a
flag to mark the last record your procedure code would be
something like:-
for invoices with x = "x"
invoices.x = blank
update record
for invoices new record
copy all from input
- 137 -
The "Set Paper Length" utility is accessed from the
Utilities menu and can also be called from a user menu.
There are settings for A3, A4, A5, American Letter and
American Legal in both portrait and landscape.
When you change the paper length in use then you update
pagination for all report outputs.
The landscape options are for use in wide carriage printers
where the paper can be fed in landscape orientation they do not
produce "sideways" printing on narrow carriage printers.
- 138 -
The System values System date, System Time and Output can be
set within procedure code.
System Date = input.date
If input.print = "Yes" then Output = "Printer"
Setting the output from an input screen field means that the
user can change the output destination without having to exit
back to the menu in procedures which have repeating input
If you have several procedures which are individually run to
the screen but you also wish to batch execute them to the
printer, you can achieve this by including the line:-
If Global number = 2 then output = "Printer"
then placing the procedures on a batch execute menu which
begins with a procedure setting Global Number to 2. and ends
with one re setting it to zero.
- 139 -
Shell File Command Shell
The "Shell" command executes a DOS command which you supply as
the parameter.
Shell "DIR C:\WP > C:\EB\DIR.TXT"
This writes a directory listing of C:\WP to the file DIR.TXT
which you can then open and read from.
You can supply the parameter as quoted text, as a variable or
field or with a function.
Shell Jointext("copy C:\PROGS\",input.directory,"\*.* A:\")
In this example a disk vendor can select programs by name on an
input screen which looks up the directory in which the program
is stored. The procedure then copies all files from that
directory to the A: drive.
Depending on the procedure you are running, Easy Base uses
between 450K and 550K of base memory. You cannot therefore
"Shell" to any major program. The main use of "Shell" is to use
the DOS copy and Dir commands. You can also shell to a batch
file of such commands if you have several tasks to perform.
The Easy Base Executable file expects to find its support files
in the current default directory. If you change drive or
directory while shelled out of Easy Base then you must change
back before exiting the procedure.
If you are writing an application for resale then remember that
the end user might not have installed it to C:\EB. Change back
to the correct drive and directory by using the system value
Declare variables
Drive as text : Dir as text
drive = lefttext(prog_dir,2)
dir = righttext(prog_dir,lengthtext(prog_dir)-3)
shell "Job.Bat"
shell drive
shell jointext("CD\",dir)
When you use "Shell" Easy Base clears the screen and pauses for
any DOS error messages. If you know that the command you are
about to shell to will not invoke a response from DOS you can
add the keyword "Smooth" and Easy Base will not clear the
screen or pause.
Shell Smooth "DIR C:\FAX > C:\EB\DIR.TXT"
- 140 -
The "Skip Group" command excludes an entire group of records
from selection by a "For" loop.
for employees with type in order
if employees.type = "Part time" then skip group
print list items
The "Skip Group" command is not the same as filtering with a
"<>" condition. You could achieve the same result with :-
for employees with type in order
if employees.type <> "Part time" then
print list items
end if
but the second procedure would take much longer to run as each
part time employee's record would be loaded into memory only to
be rejected by the "If" condition. The first procedure on the
other hand only loads a single part time employee's record then
skips the entire group by advancing the index pointer in use
for record selection.
You can also use the "Skip Group" command to terminate
selection of a group of records at a given point.
declare variables
count as number
for employees with type in order
count = count + 1
if count = 51 then
count = 0
skip group
end if
print list items
The above procedure prints the first fifty employees in each
"type" group.
The "Skip Group" command can be shortened to "Skipgrp"
IMPORTANT: The condition for the Skip Group cannot be nested
within another "If" condition or "DO LOOP" structure which is
itself within the current "For" loop.
:- See Skip Record for example.
- 141 -
The "Skip Record" command is used to exclude individual records
from selection in a "For" Loop.
for employee with worksno in order
if employees.worksno = 12 then skip record
print list items
The "Skip Record" command has exactly the same effect as
filtering with a "<>" condition but is much easier to write if
there are many items to exclude
for employees with worksno in order
if employees.worksno = 12 or employees.worksno = 15 then
skip record
end if
if employees.name = "smith" then skip record
if employees.age > 50 then skip record
You can exclude groups of records from an inner loop by
applying the "Skip Record" command to a "Unique" outer loop.
for employees alias types with type in order unique
if types.type = "director" then skip record
if types.type = "part time" then skip record
for employees with type = types.type
print list items
If you need to exclude groups of records from a single loop you
must use the "Skip Group" command.
The "Skip Record" command can be shortened to "Skiprec".
The Skip Record command causes a direct jump to the start of
the next iteration of the current "For" loop. The condition
for the Skip Record must not be nested within another "If"
condition or "Do Loop" structure which is itself within the
current For loop.
for form
if (condition) then
if form.type = "Part time" then skip record
end if
This will cause a system error.
- 142 -
The Spacepad function pads a text variable to a given length
with spaces.
Ex. Spacepad(name,10)
< returns "Fred " if name = "Fred"
The spacepad function is used in the creation of compound index
For example: A "Films" form has the fields "title" and
"category". To list the films grouped by category in order and
with the titles in each category in order create the field
"groupindex" as text,long enough to hold both category and
title fields and derived as :-
{15 is length of category field}
You can then produce the required printout with the following
.Report header
.Group header
Films in {category field}
.List items
{title field} Starring {Star field} Running time {length Fld}
......................procedure code.................
declare output fields
declare variables
catcheck as text
bold on
print report header
for films with groupindex in order
if films.category <> catcheck then
bold on
print group header
bold off
end if
print list items
- 143 -
This function spells out the day of the number (1-7) parameter.
Ex. Spellday(dayofweek(system date))
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value (1-7)
Numeric expression evaluating to (1-7)
Numeric Field/variable holding value (1-7)
Any function returning a numeric value (1-7)
- 144 -
This function spells out the day of the number (1-12)
Ex. Spellmonth(month(system date))
Ex. Month = Spellmonth(month(invoices.date))
Acceptable parameters:
Numeric value (1-12)
Numeric expression evaluating to (1-12)
Numeric Field/variable holding value (1-12)
Any function returning a numeric value (1-12)
- 145 -
If, in a form or procedure input screen, you want the cursor to
start in other than the top left field then derive the field in
which you wish the cursor to start with "Start here" .
If the field in which the cursor is to start already has a
derivation then simply prefix the derivation with "Start here".
start here Lookup(customers,name)
Note: You can only have one prefix on any one field derivation.
- 146 -
This function returns a string of characters.
Ex. Stringof(12,"-")
< Returns "------------">
Ex. Stringof(5,chr$(240))
< Returns "≡≡≡≡≡">
One of the most useful applications of the "Stringof" function
is to pad output fields in tabular reports with "." characters.
Declare output fields
stock.name : stock.price
for stock with name in order
stock.name = jointext(stock.name,stringof(30-lengthtext(
print list items
The printed output from the above report would be in the form:-
Gizmo......................... 2.50
Sprocket...................... 9.95
Widget........................ 3.10
Acceptable parameters:
1 Any numeric field, variable, expression or function
2 Single quoted character - Function returning a single
- 147 -
If you need to list records from a form in such a way that they
are in groups but with each group in order, there are two ways
to accomplish this. You can include a compound index field on
the form or you can "subindex" the group during the procedure.
The advantage of having a compound index is that no time is
wasted "sorting" the sub group during any procedure that uses
it and the disadvantage is that it uses extra disk space. As a
general rule you should use a compound index where the sub
groups are likely to be large and "subindex" during the
procedure only if each sub group has up to a few dozen or so
records or if you need to order unnatural groupings.
for pupils alias agegroups with age in order unique
for pupils alias sortgroup with age = agegroups.age
subindex name
for pupils with subindex in order
print list items
The grouping can be extended to more than one level. The
following example lists records from a "Videos" form grouped
by rental price then by category and with the sub sub group
titles in alphabetic order.
for videos alias pricegroups with price in order unique
for videos alias catgroups with category in order unique
for videos alias group with category = catgroups.category
if group.price = pricegroups.price then
subindex title
end if
for videos with subindex in order
print list items
As you can see from the listing the output from these examples
has to pause between groups while the subindex is written. If
you have a 66 Mhz PC and there are twenty records in the sub
group you probably won't notice but if you have a 12 Mhz
machine and there are a thousand records in the sub group you
may as well break for lunch! If you write a "subindexing"
procedure and find that the "Sorting" time is unacceptable then
add a compound index field to the form.
- 148 -
Although using compound index fields to produce group ordering
is normally preferable to using "Subindex", there is one
important area where "Subindex" is more flexible. That is where
you need to order records in unnatural groups.
Consider the "Videos" form which has fields for "Title" ,
"RentalPrice" and "Category".
Natural Groupings would be:-
Titles with RentalPrice = £2
Titles with Category = "Comedy"
Titles with RentalPrice = £2 and category = "Horror"
Unnatural groupings would be :-
Titles with RentalPrice = £2 or Rentalprice = £1.50
Titles With RentalPrice = £1.50 or Category = "Western"
Although you can make compound index fields to produce
unnatural groupings they are not flexible - You need a separate
compound index for each unnatural group.
If you wished to write a procedure which allowed the user to
enter any two video "Categories" and have all titles with
either of those two categories listed in order then you must
use "Subindex".
for videos alias cat1 with category = input.cat1
subindex title
for videos alias cat2 with category = input.cat2
subindex title
for videos with subindex in order
print list items
You will notice in the above example that two "For" loops add
records to the "Subindex" before it is used. Once you start a
subindex you can add records to it as often as you wish before
using it. Once you use it it is erased.
You can only have one "Subindex" active at any time. You can
use any number of "Subindexes" within one procedure but each
one must be "used" before the next is started.
- 149 -
You can use your computers inbuilt date anywhere in field
derivations or procedure code by simply quoting "system date".
for diary with date = system date
print list items
- 150 -
You can use your computers inbuilt time anywhere in field
derivations or procedure code by simply quoting "system time".
for stockitems with stockno = input.stockno
lastcheckeddate = system date
lastcheckedtime = system time
update record
- 151 -
To create a printout in which fields are enclosed within a
lined table use the linedrawing facility in the format editor
to create a page header and page footer containing the top and
bottom of the table and insert only the vertical lines between
the fields in the list items section.
Declare output fields
stock.name : stock.price
print page header
for stock with name in order
if bottom margin < 0.7 then
print page footer
page feed
print page header
end if
print list items
print page footer
Page feed
.page header
║ Name │ Price ║
.list items
║ {Name Field } │ {Price Fld. } ║
.page footer
- 152 -
The text field type can be up to 80 characters long.
Cut copy and paste operations are available between all text,
and textblock fields :
Use Shift plus the arrow keys to mark the text you wish to cut
or copy. When you release the keys the cut or copy choice will
To paste cut text position the cursor where you want it
inserted and press Shift plus Ins.
Spell Checking is also available in text fields -
Press Ctrl + S
- 153 -
When you Define a field with the field type "Text Block" then
instead of entering a field length you shade out the area which
you wish the field to cover using the arrow keys.
Textblock fields offer many of the facilities of a
wordprocessor including cut and paste, wordwrap and spell
Useful widths for A4 and Letter size paper are 63 characters if
you intend to print at 10 characters per inch and 75 characters
if you intend to print at 12 characters per inch. This document
for instance was created in 63 character wide text blocks.
The maximum width of a text block field on screen is 80
characters. You can however redefine it up to 230 characters
wide in procedure printouts and Easy Base will reformat your
paragraphs to the new width.
A text block field is not a "memo" field. It can be indexed and
- 154 -
The Easy Base "time" field has the eight character format:-
11:20:20 (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
You can record time data in any format you wish by using a
"Formatted Text" field but you must use a "Time" field if you
wish to perform addition and subtraction operations on time
values. (in seconds)
Time fields are automatically checked for validity.
See Also:- Maketime
- 155 -
This function returns the hour ( 0 - 12) plus am. or pm. from
the time field parameter.
Ex. Timeampm(system time)
.Report header
Appointments for {Apps.Date Field}
.List items
{Apps.Name Field } at {Time Field}
declare output fields
print report header
for apps with date = system date
time = timeampm(apps.time)
print list items
Acceptable parameters:
System time
Time field
Maketime function
Time expression
- 156 -
Whenever a procedure enters a "FOR" loop qualified by "With
fieldname = " the total number of records which match the
qualification value is available in the system value "Total
Total Copies is extracted directly from the index file and
relieves you of a time consuming loop all the way through a
form updating a counter.
In other words:-
for books with category = "fiction"
count = count + 1
can be replaced with:-
for books with category = "fiction"
count = total copies
exit for
Unlike "Total Records" the "Total Copies" value never includes
records marked for deletion.
Easy Base does not track separate values for "Total Records" or
"Total Copies" when there are nested "For" loops. The values
are set for the outer loop on the first iteration and reset for
the inner loop on its first iteration. If you need a value for
"Total Records" or for "Total Copies" after your procedure has
entered another loop then you must transfer the value to a
variable while it is available. (See the example for "Display
Easy Base does not update "Total Records" or "Total Copies"
when records are added or deleted during a procedure.
- 157 -
Whenever a procedure enters a "FOR" loop the total number of
records in the form is available in the system value "Total
The following code fragment updates a "Customer summary" form
with the total number of customers in the "Customers" form.
declare variables
tot as number
for customers with acno = 1
tot = total records
exit for
for customersummary
customersummary.totalcustomers = tot
update record
Provided that the "For" loop is qualified by a "with" statement
then the "Total Records" value is extracted directly from the
open index file and is the total number of "Live Records".
If you access the "Total records" value in an unqualified "For"
loop then there is no index file open and the "Total Records"
value is derived by dividing the forms file length by the
record length. It therefore represents the total number of
records in the form "Live" and "Deleted".
If a form "books" has 2000 records and 10 are marked for
deletion at the next re-pack then "count" returns 1990 in:-
for books with catalogueno = 1
count = total records
and 2000 in :-
for books
count = total records
exit for
- 158 -
To produce totals and sub totals in printouts use ad hoc fields
to hold the values and increment them during each iteration of
the output loops. The following code lists all entries in a
clients time sheet form with the cost of work in hand totalled
and sub totalled for each client.
Declare output fields
Timesheet.date : Subtotal : Grandtotal
Print Report Header
for Clients with name in order
Print Group Header
Subtotal = 0
For Timesheet with Acno = Clients.Acno
Subtotal = Subtotal + timesheet.amount
Grandtotal = Grandtotal + Timesheet.amount
Print List Items
Print Group Footer
Print report footer
.......................Output Format.........................
.Report Header
Work in Hand Totalled by Client
.Group Header
.List Items
████████ ██Hrs ██Mins ██████
.Group Footer
Total for ██████████████████ ██████████
.Report Footer
Total Work In Hand ██████████
The field in the Group Header is Clients.name
The fields in List Items are Timesheet.date, Timesheet.Hrs,
Timesheet.Mins and Timesheet.amount.
The fields in Group Footer are Clients.name and Subtotal.
The field in Report Footer is Grandtotal.
- 159 -
The "Update record" command is used to alter the contents of
one or many records in a form.
for stock with item = input.item
stock.price = input.price
stock.pricechangedate = system date
update record
This example changes the price of a single "Stock" item.
for employees with taxcode = input.oldtaxcode
employees.taxcode = input.newtaxcode
update record
This example changes the taxcode field of all the employees
whose present taxcode is the same as the input screen
"oldtaxcode" to the input screen "newtaxcode".
for employees
employees.taxcode = employees.taxcode + 60
update record
This example increases the taxcode of all employees by sixty.
- 160 -
Returns the Uppercase of a text field or variable.
Ex. Upper(postcode)
< shows the postcode field in uppercase>
declare output fields
for customers with maillist = "yes"
Labelname = Upper(customers.name)
Labeladdress = Upper(customers.address)
Labelcode = customers.postcode
print labels
Acceptable parameters:
Quoted text
Text field/variable
- 161 -
Easy Base has a set of five VAT rates which can be altered from
the utilities menu. There are four VAT functions:-
Ex. VATin(retailprice,2)
< Returns the VAT content of "retailprice" at VAT rate 2
Ex. VATon(netprice,4)
< Returns the VAT to be added to "netprice" at VAT rate 4
Ex. PlusVAT(netprice,3)
< Returns the VAT inclusive price at VAT rate 3>
Ex. MinusVAT(retailprice,2)
< Returns the net price of "retailprice" before VAT at
VAT rate 2>
(assumes Retailprice as VAT Inclusive and Netprice exclusive)
If the second parameter (rate) is omitted from any of the VAT
functions then Rate 1 is assumed.
Ex. Gross = PlusVAT(input.net)
< The variable "Gross" = the VAT inclusive of the input
screen field "net" calculated at rate 1.>
Although the VAT functions are primarily included for business
applications, they can be used for any purpose where a
percentage needs to be changed globally throughout an
application without the need to alter each procedure or field
derivation in which it is used.
Acceptable parameters:
1 Any numeric value, field, variable, expression or function
2 As Parameter 1 but evaluating between 1 an 5
- 162 -
Write File Command Write
The "Write" command writes data to a non Easy Base file which
has been opened with the "Open" command.
The Syntax is:
Write (Text, Variable, Field or Function) [Line_len (length)]
The Line_Len keyword and parameter are not required.
Write "Once upon a time"
Write LineVar
Write Customers.name
Write Jointext(customers.forname," ",customers.surname)
Write Customers.notes line_len 60
The contents of a text field is supplied without leading or
trailing spaces. The contents of a text variable is supplied
without trailing spaces. You can pad the output with either of
the functions "Spacepad" or "stringof".
The following code writes customers names and account Nos in
two columns to an ASCII file.
for customers with name in order
write stringof(5,chr$(32))
write spacepad(customers.name,30)
write customers.acno
write chr$(13)
write chr$(10)
The contents of a text block field is supplied reformatable ie
a single CHR$(13) is used to denote where a new line is to be
forced. If you write a text block field without the Line_len
keyword it will be written in this format.
To write a text block field as ASCII Lines use the Line_Len
keyword. The Line_Len value does not have to be the same as the
width of the text block field. Easy Base will word wrap the
contents to whatever Lin_Len value you supply.
You cannot write quotation marks within quoted text.
To write "Fred said "@*!" to Bill" you must replace the inner
quotation marks with ASCII character 127. (Hold down the Alt
key and type 127 on the numeric keypad)
See also: Open, Close, Read, Seek, Find
- 163 -
This function returns the year number from a date parameter.
Ex. Year(system date)
Carage = jointext((year(system date)-year(registered))," Years
Acceptable parameters:
System date
Date field
Makedate function
Date expression
- 164 -
The Zeropad function pads an integer or fixed point field to a
given number of places left and right of the decimal point.
Ex. Zeropad(price,3,2)
<Returns "001.50" if price = 1.5>
Ex. Zeropad(acno,6,0)
<Returns "004532" if acno = 4,532>
The Zeropad function can be used as in the second example to
return a fixed length numeric string from an integer field.
It's main use, however, is in the creation of fields for
compound indices where one of the fields to be compounded is a
For example: A school has all pupils names and ages recorded on
a form in fields "name" and "age". To create an index which
will list pupils names alphabetically but grouped by age a
compound field which is invisible and does not allow user entry
is created as a text field derived with:-
Because the compound field is text the index file will be
sorted alphabetically. If you sort the numbers 8,9 and 12
alphabetically you get 12,8,9 because the one in 12 comes
before 8. If however you sort the numbers 08,09 and 12
alphabetically you get the correct numeric order.
By using the zeropad function in the above example and indexing
the compound field,let's call it "unifield" you could then
print out the pupils in age groups with the names in each group
arranged alphabetically.
.group header
Pupils aged {pupils.age field}
.list items
{pupils.name field}
.........................procedure code.........
declare output fields
declare variables
agecheck as number
agecheck = 0
for pupils with unifield in order
if pupils.age <> agecheck then print group header
agecheck = pupils.age
print list items
- 165 -